Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

WEDNESDAY EVENING OafelanD Crittun SEPTEMBER 30, 1925 IjrjTA-fyJCZLATLand: COMMERCIAL. PAGEI 194 i NEW YORK STOCK MARKET S.F. BOND EXCHANGE BY Special Vires fromWhvjCdVdlier6-riQRNiN6PgiC3 Tiro Extremes Alternate on Stock Market Oil Stocks on San Francisco Exchange Fail of Confirmation of Better Tone Forecast in East E. y. Hutton A private wire.

Members of the Nen York Stock Exchange, with offices at Franklin SI. Bid Bid Stock. Stock. Low High Close Low High Close Bond Dealings Influenced by Money Market Investment Community Considers Latest French Debt Ncfrolialion News Better. 166 4 00 MM'KII IKM) A Rv Cor as -38 Market Street 7s Miller l.ux Natomas Co 6s Nor Rv Of Cal 1st 5s 5S.

Nor Cal Ky 6s Nor Cal Pu 1st mig 5s. Nor Cal Pwr ref 6s Asked 98 102Vi 99Vi il stocks during the morning nnnclal Conditions In Its current Is- 100 62U 90M 102 101 99 -01 88 sesslon of the San Francisco Stock ico '4 160 .1 1 1S6 24 374 t-ISTKII STOCK Sucnr Alaska Pu, mT ii an Bank Ant lo-Ca 'I rust Anglo I. Nat Bank. Armour A Armour com Associated Oil Bsncital'y ('orpn Bank of Cal A Bfir.k of Italy Bo-ston-Pacilie Booth pfj I'aterpiliar Activities Show Period of Active Selling and Conservative Feeling. Adams Express Air Reduction xd.

A Jnx Rubber Allied Chem D. Allis-Chalm Mfg Am Agri Chem do pfd Am Beet Sugar Am Brake Shoe A 111 Ilosch Slag Am Can Am Car Fdry 1 Paraffins Cos 7 4s '30. and Bond Exchange failed to confirm the better tone noticeable during the early hours of trading in New York. Shell I'nion was active and slightly stronger, closing at 22 sj. L'niou Oil was stronger at 34.

Cnited Oil reached 66 'i. the bal sue says In part: "Security prices during the next few weeks depend somewhat upon the question of Federal Reserve rediscount rates. Possible changes in these rates usually a real influence upon the bond market, and some bearing; upon the stock market. Orpheum 6s El, Ry Pa. 11t GEOIIGF T.

YORK. Sept. 30. Although Lehigh Ynllev ..78 79 78 Liggett My Tub 77 Lima Loco firiU OH 00 Loose Wiles 90 92 90 Loew's I tin 31ii 35(H MM Loft Candy 700 Lorillard 3514 30 Lig Mvrs 77 "4 77 Luillinn Steel 31 :1 35 Louisiana Oil 14 78 r. 1 -I Mary 99 101 101 Mark Trucks 2Hi 21-1 208 Magma Copper 4214 HK.tC.i..

23 2 1 1 4 2 I (4 Shirt 20 Mrkt St Ky 9r's I'l 10 do prior pref 55 Marin ml HI 4 1 4 I 7a 4 1'! Mnrtin-l-arrv Crp. 20 Alkali. 82(4 81 May I'ept 122 125''i 123 Mex Seaboard Oil 12U Nl Ar a- At A- i-: ance of this group of Blocks being virtually neglected. I' 1 1 1st mtg 6 6 P. 6 6 7s 1040 HI 4s all 'Rediscount rates have to be 101 liou Calaniha Sugsr pfd California IV 10' 99 S6 21" 678 35 .111 36 3SU 4 2 84 1 1 4 Ii .110 64 6 .1108 .41 65'-.

Pacific Gas and Electric common readjusted from time to time to 1 OS ,0 40 sold ex-dividend at 120, closing at i the monev market, so as to avoid I'ac Calir Cotton pfd Cal Cotton com 121. Para fine common was active 98 VI lot; 10 9 in a 8 7 'I lift 35 111 30 SSli'i 48 l5a 118 4 2- 4 84 11l(. 1 In 04 I10ia 4 2(1 Oil 139 :,4 1 14'i 's 39i 4 2-S, 9li artificial inflation or deflation of bank loans. At present these loans 0 69'i 35 112 37 i 241 109i 48 lis1- 42 44 R5'-t 111! 1 1 1 65 'a 6 '2 113 4 2H 66 130 'i H7is 115 but unchanged In price, closing at Zellerbach common sold ex-dividend 37'j per-share at are rising faster than deposits. 10.17.

6 -s '4i. 9 lid IOL'9. ..104 .102 91 94 -v .106 .110 97 100'i 9 7 1110 lt'6'i ,.104 ..104 .105 .107 9 0 4 lOL'-l, .103 while money rates are moving To I A- To I'ac Tel A- Te rat tine Co! P.iraffinc Co: I i a i ne Cos Pa i a i ne Cos Paraftine Cos Hunt Bros. Packing was active at gradually upward, so that economic By STI'ART P. WEST.

WALL STREET. Now York. Sept. 10. Initoday's stork markei there were periods of very active selling txnd sn increasingly a 1 1 ve feeling.

The comparison with th-prirc level of a month ago appeared to be making more of an impression. This comparison showed that outside of the motor and related hares Knd of a few high-priced industrials, the market had made no progress. The steel storks were mostly lower, the, coppers unchanged and likewise most cf the rails and oils. In other wVrds, the stocks in which the puhlle is mainly interested had done nothing for a month. They Caterpillar Tractor lost half 106 10 6 trends warrant the expectation of higher rediscount rates in due time.

"However, an advance In these rates would forbode no ill. and would concern no one except the i aiitorni.i Copper. 'Ch I Ink Co In pf Cal-Oregon Pwr California California IVt covi Cent Nat Bank of I'm Coast u'hs Elec Commercial Securities East Rav Water pfd East Ray Water pfd Ewu Sugar fa*geol Motor pfd fa*geol Motors (he higher money rates were supposed to be onlv temporary, due to the withdrawal' of funds for the iietol.er corporation payments, the money market wag an influence In today's bond dealings. There was not much change in prices, hut bond houses reported an increase ot offerings around the current level. This gave the market, what was coiiiiiionly described as a "heavy" appca ranee.

In I lie Judgment of tho Investment community, the latest news from the French debt negotiations, appeared to be more favorable: but this was not reflected in the selling price of French bonds. These were very little changed, and with the volume of transactions smaller than on the preceding days. French city issues were off a fraction. Am Chicle Am Wide Lea A 111 Ice A 1 nt Corpn Am I.fnseed ilo pi, I Am Loco Am Radiator Am Safety Am Ship Comm Am Sm Refill Am Steel Fdry A 111 Sugar Ref Am Tel Tel Am Tob do coin class Am Wat Wks Am "Woolen Anaconda Cop Armour Del pfd Asso 1 'ry Goods Asso Oil new xd Atoli Top Fe a point on the day's trading, while Schlosinger common gained half a point. The Rank of Italy stocks were iiuiet but firmer, the corporal io '30.

vs '31 -S 1043 4 6... 6s '50. 1 4 0-' S-l 91 10 4 1 1 8 I Cos Cos Cos Pwr Pwr Parafiine Pa ra tine I 'a ra fi ne .1 l.t l.t l.t Lt 99i 103 ia mi I 'ojiper Middle Stales Oil Kan 'J'ex do Mo Pacific do pfd Montana Pwr Mont Ward Moon Motors A 10 6s 1" 71 8 2 83 1" 66 3 1 7 r's had refused to loin in with the ex Rootli pffl Telegraph .1 l.t A P' .1 C-KH ts. 4 Us 4 -1 I 30 83 'a 8 fi7 39 (4 iii(4 311 4 1 'i 407 111'. 64 4 39 42 51 35 'i 121 cited speculation in the automobile 40 43 96 't 51 36 122 li Motherloile Co I'll.

rot: p. banks It lt were not' for the uneasiness which many people feel upon the subject. We should learn, then, to regard such an advance when the money market is hardening as merely a routine matter. "The sugar trade is gradually improving, hut It may take a long time for it to Improve enough to restore a normal margin of profit to the producers. The world shows a huge over-production, and it is improbable that either raw or refined sugar will show any great advance prior to the latter half of II erra Rv 1st i- Cal Gas t-s 'oO 104 lc4 i Co 4s 1929 97 1st litlg 4s i9 More and more as the situation Was studied did the fireworks In the motor shares appear to be due 29's 4II-1, .401 Motor Whevl 1,1, -out ill, hi Pel Motolnetcr "A'" Nasli Motors N'at I 1 'airy Natl Lead opening' at 200, advancing to 202.

Bancitaly Gorpiu'iition Rites opened at 27. advancing to 28 at the close, lt is interesting to note the present action of these rites in view of the fact that trading in them will cease at the close of the session tomorrow. HKConn. Investors will receive in dividend and interest payments next month approximately 2S. 220, too.

a new-high record, which compared with in October. 1024, a compilation by the Journal of Oommcrct-shows. Stockholders will receive about $102,002,000 against a year ago, the gain being ac do pfd At I Coast Line RH.19.ri to the speculation by rich plungers 51' 35 121 Ts 1 74 99 (4 2li 24'i 33', rather than to any reasoned appreciation on the part of the public All Gulf I 72' Atl lielining 99! Austin Nichols Armour 24 Kirin.ans Fund ST First Natl Hank of Foster Kli-iser Krench-Ainei loan Rank 100 Ct-m-ral Roti-oleui'i Central Retr-olt-um com. Western pfd Hiaku Fruit Pk Five. Haiku Fruit Rack pool Haw Coml Sugar a a i i.i ii a Hawaiian Rint-appU Home Fire ok i Honolulu Cons Oil Neva.

Ill Cons Cop. 12'4 11 198 7514 100 24 '4 331- 1 4 4 1 Air Brake 30 3t i'i uI i 12u 12; Co col '49 Co Trin 1st 4s 30 Sl5s A- 1st mtg K'0- lul a Con 6s 34 Bt Ky 1st nge 6s '37 113 Spt-rr 6s 9 'i Spring Valley Water OS I'nioti Oil 6s 1931 100 100V4 I'nion oil 6s 1042 10 1'j tins El 6s 100 Val Cov Pwr 5s 100 Western Pac 6s '46. 94 94 4 II lllf.l Uruiiswick Balk 33 Baldwin Loco Wk 11 0 1 Halt it Ohio SO 1 Norfolk AL- N011I1 Am Co NoiHhei'u Pac 1 2 00 30 39 li 40(4 counted for by Initial and Increased dividends by the railroads, industrial and public utility companies ..31 Humboldt Rank Hunt Bros next year. NEW YORK, Sept. 30.

The Fisk Rubber company reports sales for the month of August of $6,500,000 and net after depreciation, interest and taxes of 1,120,000. Sales for September are estimated at and net is expected to show about $800,000. Sales for the fiscal year ending October are expected J-'rearh more than $70,000,000 with net earnings after depreciation. Interest and taxes of over $8,000,000. 21 41 461 6 1 1 2 1 30 (s 122 36 13 5 8 1 6 9 30 126 12 f.8 25 39 63 62 1 48 119 57 74 39 21 '38 4U 88 (Irpheuiii Circuit.

Otis Klevatur xd Otis Steel Owens Bottle Paige-Pet roit Pacific uii 13 PI 12' 58 53 31.1. 3 Harnsdiill, el A Ha uk Hi os 39 Beechnut i 08 3, Bethlehem Steel 39i Hoot Ii Fisheries Brooklyn F.dison .143 Bklyn-Manhat 55 Brown Shoe 13G( Burns Bros do 31 Butte Superior 11 Bklyn I'nion 89 Briggs Mfg Co 29 Ti 117 81 '4 201,4 3 9 09 3914 7(2 143 r.r.-ti 138 11714 31 11 89 125 27 Ta Trading in the new Argenrino Os of 111, 'ilt was active around the issue price of 9fi. (Republic of Finland bonds were fiuoted somewhat lower. City of Berne Ss at 109 were up from their previous sales. LMTIOI) STATUS 1 I ACTICB 1 '11 1 1 imI States Rubber lis were active around 90, corresponding to the larger dealings in.

the rubber stocks and to favorable advices regarding the outlook for the rubber industry. The aggregate of new Issues today was comparatively small. There was an offering of 000. 000 Iowa Railway and Light Corporation refunding mortgage 20-year 614 per cent bonds priced at 99 -and interest to yield 5,58 per cent. The International Bank of Washington, D.

C. announced an issue of 2000 shares of capital stock of J100 priced at J1D0. Berkeley Man Will Assume Local Posi George A. Bruce, recently appointed manager of the Oakland office of R. G.

Hamilton will Hutchinson Sugar Pltn Key System prior Svstem A Gas i pfd Magnin Co that thse stocks were worth a great deal more than they had seemed at the end of the summer. For the first time the railroad shares howed a preponderance of selling and as- the day ent on some of them became definitely weak. CALL, MONEY' IP. Call money went up to 6 per cent Which was the highest since September 21. But to ascribe the fall In stocks to the money rate was ot in keeping with the facts.

Monev went up because it was the last day of the month and there had been temporarily heavy withdrawals In order to supply the demand for dividends and interest Caynients due on the first of Octo-er There was. of course, with a remembrance of November. 1919, the usual talk about a possible rise tn the federal reserve rediscount as one of the Influences back of the Packard I -10 'a 59 7., 1,0 -'Vi 128 12i 26 54 40 ii 63 14 is'i 5S(4 ii 39 '4 413i HOXDS Bid ASK Alameda Farm 6s Albers Bros i'lS 104'g Amalgamated Sugar Blue Lake Water 6s Calnmba 6s $9 90 Calif Concerving l'H 10j Cal Northwest 1st .101 144 56 'i 138 31 11 '2 31 28Vi l'an-A Pet xd 6: do class 6: Penn-Seaboa i Stl 17 .1.45 1H jo Marine Oil Mkt St Ry prior Market St Ky 1st i.fd 3S( 99 4 Interest payments total 1324,300.000. The government will disburse about 152.000,000. GAIN IN EAIIXINGS.

Earlier predictions that the Northwestern carriers had turned the corner are supported "by August earnings of the Chicago, Northwestern, the Great Northern and Northern Pacific, each having reported gains in net operating revenues. The "Soo" system is making an impressive comeback. August net having Jumped 161 per cent over August last year, its deficit of $666,667 for the eight months comparing with a deficit of $2,444,71 1 a year ago. The St. Paul's report also was encour Cal Northwest 1st Columbia Steel Davies 7s 9S4 ..103 4 SPECIAL MEETINGS CALLED.

Directors of the Postum Cereal company have called a special meeting of stockholders for October 23 to approve proposed split-up of the common shares on the basis of two Market St Ry 2d Market St Ry Mercantile Trust Natomas Co of 2 Pennsylvania lilt. People's Ij Phila Co Phila Keadg- Coal Phillip Phillips Petlm l'ierce-A r'l'o do pref Calif Packing ....124 Calif l'etlm 21hi Callahan Calumet Ariz Mi 50 Oan.Tdian Pacific .148 Central Leather ISV2 East Rav fs '33 6s 1044 21U 3S''8 4 0 1004 1014 102 ..1014 4 2 90 A Oil East Rav East Ray East Bay Oahu Sugar 6s '42 7 1., 1. A A Sugar East Bay Onorr.ea Sugar selling. Hut the most that could be said I 6 L- 4 33 11 .123 Tauhua Sugar was that atTnnut the money situation .102 ..106 ..1014 ..1014 ..107 4 .1014 Fairmont Hotel 6s '37. West Pwr 6s '49 new shares for each of the present.

The Pan-American West Petroleum company directors called a special meeting for October 1. Among questions to be considered are the future dividend policy of he company, earnings statement and employees' stock participation plan. sentimental Pierce Oil pfd Pittsburgh Postuin I Pressed Si 1 Car Pub Serv I'p Pullman 1 AI Sugar Pure nil 102 102 aging. It was no more than a for the stock ex- 'assume his nevr duties tomd HTOW. IVFLIEVCKS Of HATES.

Moody's Weekly Review 91 of Fi- As part Thl, Pac Gas Elec Pao Gas Elec Pac Light Corp Pacific Right Pat-iric Oil-. I'ac Co Pac Tel pfd Faraffine ptd Parafiine Co Pinal Dome 1 'ion. -t-r Mil's change. The stock market went down because of previous cver-peculaUon in certain quarters of the list. This was the reason beside which the money advance is r.t.Tt The selling in It Wi st.

rn Pwr 1 023 LA- Pwr 7s 1931 1 1 Sugar 7s un '-r-Ba ii ks Land Kt-v Svstem o'l tr 6s A Ga is 42 A Pacific 4s i a a Ml Whitney Power Cs. if he business pot do jiref eOs Cerro de Pasco Cop 51 Certain-teed Prod. 52 1 i Chanrilr JIo Car 35 '4 Chesapk Ohio 107 (j Chi Alton preferred Chi Kast 111 pfd. Chi Gt West 10 do pref 23r'8 Chi Si St Paul. do pref 13 'i Chi Northw fis Chi Kk I 45'S Chile Copper Cliino Coiiper Coca Cola 141'i Col Fuel Iron 3Si Col South Cohim Klec 75 si 1 a li noli nees 82 S2 Kail way Si 1 Spg Hay Coiisol Cop Beading Hem 'JVpeuritcr Kcplo'gle -I iteiHili Ir -el Itevnlils Tob 'B' Uoyal I) I'o Stocks became quite urcent as the iffected 50V4 50 1494 148i 1 9 18 n.i 61 601, 52(4 51 63 y4 5214 37 3i 10SH 107 i 5 iti 45 1 0 '-i 10 24 23 SIj LP.i 15L 69 liS'i 4 6 411', 34 (i 3 3 "8 2114 143 1414 38 '4 38 51 2 64-'4 76 (a 76 4 6 24 22 3i 41 4ii 91 90 31, 3 7.11-.

7 36 36 14 73 73 42 .101 U'l fco .1064 OS 90- OS fumnnn went on. favorite mo BOSTON STOCKS! ICHICAG0 STOCKS Bijnsolidalecl Press BTjnsolidaled Press leased mire to TRIBUNE leased mire to TRIBUNE uri'lieuni -Circuit 7 Pac l.t A- Pwr ref Pacific Light Corpn awning in tu i 51 Cs. is his intentiSfl" and that of his associates to develop the business as rapidly as possible in conjunc-lion with the San Francisco office, which has been fiailio Corp of Am 1 81 82 81 132 131 51 78 78 78 ..16" 161 161 3 I '4 35 34 25 26 25 .166 173 167 13 13 13 81 8.1 85 80 92 91 IP-'. 1.1 1,1 48 40 4.1 92 90 49 49 1. 57 (2 59 58 43 4 3 43- 11 90 98 55 56 56" 6.1 4 1 4.1 45 4 6 46 16 22 22 22 22 22 22', .19 19(2 19 51 18 18 1S 26 27 26 9 7 97 97 lot; lo.i 5s 4 2 fnc l.t Pw Isi lOltt inn 9 8 i 100 i I' 0 4 Palace Hotel Pac Portland Ctir.ent Cs 99 i 4 Paraf fine 6s 42 Iiiaco 6s FnllnwillL' Ilxl of I 39..

99 KolIowinK is HUSTON. Sept. 1 Coluni Carbon Cong, ileum 22 'i Consul Cigar 311-7 is re-I i-lnsiiiu St Joseph Lead St Louis San I-'r, St Louis Smilliw Savage Anns So hill to Si rues Seaboard Ail Liu do pfd Sears. Roebuck. SheU-l'iiioii Oov linil 3U- snips, lit lilt' tlli.ll CIIHA nwt'st ami dosing rrf.

tlMlllV lUpH-M i Stork I-: 11: lien -halt fur tlie umi-t active Mocks established and doing business for several years. 'J he concern is one of the leading mortgage brokerage companies operating in San 1 98 1074 I'M 4 F-Sacto Ry pfd F-Sacto Ry Clay prior SJLiP pfd com Schlessincer pfd Srhlessinger com Lnion Cotn Sierra Pacific Elec pfd Sou Cal Gas Southern Pacific Sperry Flour pfd Sperry Fl-oir Spring Valley Water Standard Oil of, Sterling Oil Dtv Telephone Inv Texas Cons Oil Title Insurance Gnty. A- 44s callable. 43s non-call. Joa Val 5s Joa I.

Pw 7s 1951 l.t Pw 6s '62 BOs. SJ Lt Pw P. 6s Santa Cruz Cement Cs 2nd Sierra Slid Sims Pet 12 .14 14 96 103" 108 110 7 79 4 '104 Situs ius 34 14 1 3.1-.. I onsol lias 90 Consul Textile 3 Continent Can 74 Corn Prod Kef Siiij, Crucible Steel Am. 71 Cuba Cane Sugar do pref Cuban-Am Sugar 22 (i 'iiya mcl Fruit Continent Motors 1" Cliilds Co Framisco.

Bruco GEORGE A. Sli Pet Co 12 34 33 1-. 14 24 has been situated lul 4 Silff lair 1 'oils Oil lfcia ir 'ons .1044 77 79 99 4 04 lo tors be ng carrieu With the steels, the equipments Stocks and the rails. rrnn market. BtVIM HU f.

hf.fff.ra. NEW YORK. Sept. snent of prices on the Curt, r.x-Change today ere very conf use It has been for ten days. Effor to sustain the.

upward movement was noticeable in some directions while in others heavy liquidation heVnnoncement that directors Charles Freshmen Radio Corporation had decided to omit the quarterly dividend of 50 cents certainly was not inspiring to holders of radio stocks, rhis action comine in the wake of highly vptimistic statements concerning the outlook for the radio industry during the remainder of the vear. was not at all pleasing and was followed by a rood deal of liquidation. Music-master and Thermidoyne lost a nolnt or more and smaller declines incurred in Freshman. De Forest. Dubilier and Hazeltine.

The statement that the bankers who hold options on Engineers' Gold would not Sou Cal Edison 6 Sou Cal 5. 44 Cal Edison 5s 1044 2, ,4 Arizoim loin Hin-i 1 Mm-. I'm-. on Maine i'aln oia tniiiH-r Uaiie-'f KcMiiiitu 'iru hiiiMtii Eifc 1 lardy (ual 11 1 H11I.I..T ret'k lf.it- Hovle MiiiiK Out Mas- (ins 51aflwiT Moiiuuk I'ucide Mills Skeliy nil Southern Pacific Sout iiern Ry do pfd Spicer Siaml Oil of i I Stand Oil of .1 .21,4 HI 1,7 1 1 1 1 1 Sou a i-tiison i-i 2 O'l Cal Ed gen ref 6s. 99 Vz 32 US 111 411 11 1 4n '8 101 84 98 lou in Berkeley for the past six years.

The first three years Of that period he was cashier of the West Berkeley Bank and the last three years he managed the successor of' that institution, the West Berkeley branch of the Mercantile Trust Company. C. S. Downing, formerly president of the Bank of Richmond at Point Richmond, and for several years assistant vice-president of the Mercantile Trust Company, -will take Bruce's place as manager of the West Berkeley branch of the Mercantile Trust Company. 1 IS hi 1 1 I1 A i D7 V.

:1 if. I'nion Oil 1'nion Oil of I'nion sugar pfd Union Sugar Cnited O'l Petroleum Universal OM Waialua Agriculture Wells Fargo Western power Western Power West Coast Life 1 23'-. 14' 23 1 141. I Swift A 100 2 230 t- a i iii'i-. ,1, Strombei'g Carl) StudcbakiT DO Subinai hie Boat Stand (las Kl xd 56 'i Texas 47 Tex Cull' Sulphur.

Iu9 (2 'lex Pacific 50 Tex Pac Coal i Oil 11. Timken Rull. li. iflj Tub Prod 91 do 2 1 53 4 0 77 72 56 4 56 47 1 1 0 51 12 44 92 3 34 70 I.on". Close.

2S 2S 2S 21', 21 24 HI', Hi'. I'l' 4Hi.j 4T or, 1 71'j 74'i 31' 34 33 27 27 27-' Oil', US 07-'k OS 4 4- 4, 137'. 137 137'j 7's 7i 11,1, III'; 1'1'j l'i3 20 211 33 33 33i; II 14'i 1" HI 4" 17s 17ii 176 24. 4 23 17 17' S', 22 21 ili liii'- 1 34- 24 'i 21 24 'i 32 2" 111', 20 12ll'i 12C 1211 Ml f.8i 23 221 22', 7s-'i 77', 77-'1 1 1 1 a 114 3" iH 20 7S 151'. Sou Cal Gas 63 U'oS iui Cal lei saS So Counties Gas Standard oil of Cal 26..

Standard Oil of Cal 27.100H Sianaard Oil of Cal 23 ot 5s Stand Oil of Cal 5s 30. ..100 Siand Oil ot Cal os 31.. .100 Siand OH of Cai os 32.. -Stand Oil of Calif 6s Stand Oil of Cal 5s 39.. 98 Union Oil of Calif as '35 94 United Oil West States Gas 5s 41..

95' West Stales Gas 6s All Ami Had 3" A II Ili.i'i A niuli 11 7. hair. 4H ,1 I'M lii.ru' tt ct 1' I. .1.. 125 In Cly I' It I' f.l.

nw III, Kill I Ot Mot Ion i'M'liihy mi lis A Co tm, 1 Kuir I', mi 4. lO-lir liiiii filiii l.ossiml 11 lit l.llkes liri'tlire. 130H Ilill'l" Motor l.aSall.- Kt l.il.l.; McNeil 2-'i, vim: 40.1 Mid srl Hill Mid West pr 1 Mi.l Wi st lil pf.l "i Mini 1 iroim-ry PI Moipill I.11I10 4'ihi at A I'l ii, i Winterfront. 5. VI Pick t'o 23 I'nO 11 lll'Hi Krai Silk 1 lteo Motor 73l 1 Mnv Warner Swift ft (11 Si ill Intl I'ni iirli A- Curb.

L'n 1-1 A 377 do A Clirysler Mtr 1 S2 do pref liili Davison Chem 40 lielaw Hud 144; Iiiiin -Mill Ltd xd. I 11 Pont lsti Dodge Bros do pref 8lii Kastnian Kod Co. 114V; Klei- Slor Bat (IG Kndicott Johnsn Krie do 1st pref 40 do 2nd pref Knton Axle 24 Klec I. 31-a Famous Players. Fed Smltpf til Fifth Ave Bus 3 1 Fisher Body Corp 90 12 44', 48 1, lit 51 12'.

ill. 03 734 4 4 4I'2 2- 6' LEGAL NOTICE. Swtlt luteruat Toitiukot. Slioe Macli (lit I'M Niuli Veiioirii oil Wnl.lt.if W'arit'U liwb West Coast Oil -rerrlne these in view of the report 99- 101 90 submitted by the mining engineer i ZeJIerbaeh Corpn Transcontl Oil 3(4 via tncnertinn of the property Notice to I 111011 Oil of Cal. 31 II 1'nion Bag 1'apr 70 44 4 4 26 4 Ask 124 2S4 I M.ISTKt ST4UT4S Rid Arrierif-an Commercial 1 89 68 190 106 (4 41 146 193 '4 29 8 1 llSVi 67 14 9 (4 40 24(4 32 107 314-98-'ii 2' 7 123 13714 1 6 54 9 7 305 (i 111 46 14 63 22 67 IO514 lo(4 73 30 100 80Vi 95 Valley RK West States Gas Cs Union 140 do pref 7.7 1 7.1 II am, Bacon, Lard Alameda Sugar tr 10 Contractors I'niled Alloy Steel 2 Fisk Rubber ni ted Cigar Store 80 1.

1 166 36', Armour A 3io aecooO atreet. Quote: Star bam, all averauea. 37 4c. Jo rLioued I II I tell J' I'll I 8 40U.L--. do bolted.

flat boiled, mc Albers Mills pfd American Bancitaly Cal Conserving pto: Cal Conserving Cal-Ore Power California Wine Calif Wine Assn all 239 .16 1 8:1 rolled and booed. 46'ac. Bhield haraa. 26 14. I.

SCIf ci Fli'v II Ind Alcohol. Realty Impt. Lubber Fleisclinian Yst Foundation Co Freeport Tex Co (Jen Asiihalt Cen 'igar 1 Jin Klfctric Cell Mots New. do aTi-raiea. S4Mc; do picoica.

aw was followed by the statement of Officials of Engineers' Gold that in Tlew of the conflict between the report of the engineer representing the banking interests and previous reports by the company's engineers, the comnanv has retained prominent mining engineers to make further reports on the property. iThey are expected to reach the mine early in October at which time the mine should be operating at full capacity. Rickenbacker Motor which recently had been dealt in, in the "over the counter market." made its debut on the Curb Exchange todav. A block of 25.000 shares went at 8 which was a fractional advance, but later dropped below the opening flfure. ft-lb 001 Dried beef, loaidaa.

47 e. do STHKKT SALES. l'l Anu ri. an Bank S5 Kwa Sunar I.ISTF.II STOCK SAI.1.9. 30 Zellcrl ach Corpn 2no Caterpillar 2'i do Shell Union Oil cm 10 Standard Oil of Calif 3.1 Ranritaly Corpn 4'i A 1,1 do nf.l 86 2t 10 do 1st pref Smelt Ref 45 Caribou Oil City of Paris com .1 85 Stc-1 119 48 10 66 (4 183 106 (2 40 144 14T, 1SS 29 87 'a 111 66 68 31 40 38 24(4 31 10 6 1 31 98 27 122 14 138 1 6 53 96 '299 109 1,4 114 -46 62 21 169 18 721,4 30 100 79 40 14 66 (4 9 1 24 29 20(4 111', 26 2.7 149 79 4.7 129.

31 33 71 25 121 15 43 40 17 5 3H 35 Cnited Paper 120 131 4 1 6 1,4 53 96 297 108 'i 45 62 21 64 7a 105 18 30ia 9S-4 79 Pete bel den Co do pref 124 Uni versal I'ipe 3.1 do pref 79 26' 26 2ii SX" 2114 22 GlV 7, 7 7 GlilJ 114 0 i2 75 27 St 240 164 90 Ul 64 105 4.1 1 1 9 121 35 79 128 28 1 17 4 1 70 15 30 77 136 I2.714 73 19 2 r.4 .1:1 i drlch Co BF t'niled Drug 128 city of Par, eoi-i Claremor.t Oil Coast Co 2nd pfd 63 ''oast Co Columbia Seel com 5 Consolidated Mutual Co. Crown Willamette A pfd 8 15 Caterpillar Pac Tel com 5" Fire Marine psimi 12. IVnhl Wriilli-y Yellow I'nit Pre 43'in Yi-llnw Cab Total 37,000 47.. 4.. odyear pref Vanadium Corp 28 'a -Carol ina Chem ran by Cons 1 ii 1 22 53 .200 2 6 4 09 3i Ins 31 i 314 ...32 27U .200 9 7 i 95 4 26 4 2 'i 82 82 16 in North pref 29 82 21.7 167 (2 9 1 1 Ml 61 45 121 124 36 80 131 29 j'7 4 2 70 1 6 31 77 138 129 74 '4 19 93(4 26 168 40 28 Vivaudou Wabash snares.

1 8i 8 29 87 1 owe per lb Star Bacon. 4 6. 52Vic: do. 6-8. do.

0-10. Sii'ic; do. allct-d. 8 uz. I'kK-.

do. sliced. 5-lb. cartou. 50c; do.

loose. SjO per lb. Skiiioed Ixiln Backs HfHr Pr ih Colonial Dacon, 6 8. do. 8-10.

4G'ic per lb Deiter bacon, IS IS, Soe; a. O. L. Bacoc Sb'nc; U. flat backa.

2A4e: O. belll.B. IN 20. yMc per Simon Fure Lard 6-8. 254c: do 12, 26e.

do 24-2, 264c: do ISO-1 ct.loui. 24S4C. 8tar Lard Tierce. 22c: do. 00-lb.

tubs. 22c; do. 60-lb. anna, 23c; do. 20-lb.

bucket. 23Vc: do. 6-8. 24'ic; do. 12-4.

do. 24 2. 25 'Ac; do. ifci-l car tool. 24c.

1'enrjant Compound Tierce. Hie: do, 60-lb tuba, 164c; do. 60-lb. cans. 10 Vie per lb.

Vet-Mole. 9 8. 31c: do 12-4. 2IV.C. do 2Vc iwr lb Salad Oil (Verlbeat) 80 gal.

11.07 per 00 gal. lanka, 31 03: 30-gal. tanks. 0 gal. cans.

(1.20; 1 gal. caua, 11.40: 4 IL. -47. 0 do pref A Crown WlnHfimette pfd Dodge iTiros pfd Dodge Bros com Ticker and Tape 2 8' Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County, California. Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County at his office until Tuesday, October 13, 1925.

at 10:30 o'clock a. m. (the day when said bids will be opened and said contract awarded), for tha erection and completion of certain supplementary penter work, tiling, pipe covering, for Highland Hospital of Alameda County, situated at 14th Avenue and Valle-clto Place in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda. State of California. Complete specifications for said work are on file in the office of the County Clerk in the Hall of Records City of Oakland, California, where copies may be obtained by depositing with the County Clerk, tho sum of twentv-flvo dollars.

Contractors will bo restricted as to the length of time they may retain said specifications to twelve (12) days. Contractors falling to return said specifications within said time limit will forfeit their deposit to the said County of Alameda. The entire amount of the deposit will be re West Mary 1, 1 nd Western i'ac 9.V1 lono 834 do pref Iron Ore Ct West Sugar. (iulf States Haves Wheel Houston Oil Texas Hudson Mot Hup Mot Car Crp Hartinan Corp Indian Motorcycle Illinois Cent East Bay Water Foster Klelser pfd. Fugazi Bank Goodvear A- of 1 Haiku Fruit Pkg pfd Heymann it Weill Did Tolland Land do 175 d( Caterillar 1, Hunt Bros 46 Bancitaly Corpn 40 Southern I'ac com 4" Lor Armeies Gas pfd 1" S'-liltsinner A Parafiine 1'aint com do ln in Hawaiian Coml SuKur Petroleum 50 Pacific Oil 5'i Caterpillar 2 i' If'l i.i Iilv- Water 97(i 24(i 29 20 West I'nion Tel Westnglis Ar I Irk.

West tig lis xd Wheeling 1, K. 9 1 1,4 2 3 29 20 11 S3 4 40 60 1-1 311 '4 7 6 135 125 19 90 2 5 166 Vi 4" 27 41 Estimates in the Oil and Gas Journal place the domestic crnsV oil eotput last week at 2,1 38,720 barrels dally, off 19.672 from preceding Week. During the six months ended Jane 30. Burroughs Adding Machine arned J3.08 a common share. The Atlantio Coast Line's August White K.igle oil xd While 44 y4 1.711 5 3 1 Willys-Overland TOTAL STOCK SAI.KS.

NEW yi)(K, Sept. 30. The total number of sliares unofficially reported as traded In an the New-York Stock Kxihanne today were 1.7 1 4,000, against 2.077.100 yesterday. 1,660,5110 a week ami, 91 3,400 a year ago and 1,118,700 two years From January 1 to date sales were 278.542.2n0. against a year ago.

and 175,927,000 two years ago. DAILY STOCK AVKHACKS. NF.W YOP.K. Sept. 30.

The following are the daily averages as given out by Dow. Jones Twenty railroads 102.46, decrease .58. Twenty Industrials 1 1 3 T. decrease 1.60. Holly Development 130 Holly Oil 4 Honolulu Plantation 65 Italian American do pref Woolwrth Cn FW.

9 1 26 1117 167(4 40 27 51 4G .105 balance after deduction of taxes was-ey ystern com. 2u Wrthngtn Al- M. Wright Aeronaut lo Anul'. London fans .2.90 Honolulu oil Wm Wrigley Cavalier Announces New Eastbay Office The openlnK of a new Eastbay office on October 1 In 4he Mercantile Faraffine Paint com i Yellow Cab 1205.457. as against a aencit oi 159.209 in August.

1924. Interbora Rapid Transit shows an Asgust deficit after all charges including Manhattan dividends, of f44.982 as against a deficit of In August, 1924. 150 si 46 152 33 33 72V4 25 121 Vj 16 43 4014 17 54 Inspiration Cons Interboro Intl Bus Macli 149H Intl Cement 79' Intl Combus Kntf 43 Intl Harvester. Int Merc Mar ptd 31 Intl Nickel 33(4 Intl Paper 70 Indept Oil Gas 24 '4, Intl Tel Tel 117Vj Jones Bros Tea Ino 15 7a Jordan 4 2 1,2 Kan City 39 Kelly-Springfield. 16 Kenjieeott Copper.

53 (i Krespce Dept Store, Laclede Has St Los Angeles Inv Marland Oil Matson Navigation Market St Rv corn 5 Magnin pfd P'2'i Cons 16c 2'-c Macbride Sugar 3 Merchants 2H 65 Midway Gas Co 1'. 15 Trust building at Center street and Rubber Market Shatturk avenue, Berkeley, Is announced by William Cavalier well-known investment security 50 140 Coton Market 1 NKW YORK, Sept. 30. Crude 41': il DRESSED MEATS dealers. A general bond and stock rubber advanced 2c to 92c ns com- investment business win ne con pased to 88c a month ago and 28c Mvtometer A 41 National Mortgage Northwestern El 7s pfd Oakland Bank 290 Orpheum pfd 100 Owl Drug Co com ducted from this office along the year conservative lines that have long 7 GEORGE DFTWITT MOITLSOV.

NEW YORK. Sept. 30. Owing to the largre amount of contracts pur- Hi. trnAa InleT-esTS the nSt Identified this company in ine financial field.

p. Linden Savior formerly as do do do do Shell Union Oil com Pacific Gas com Union Oil Associates Union oil California Sin 11 Union Oil Caterpillar Hunt Bros Bancitaly Corpn Bancitaly Corpn do San Joaouin pr pfd Union Oil Cal Arm lo London I'aris Cal Packing Pacific Gas com aterpillar V. llei bach Corpn Key Svstem prior pfd italy Corpn Pacific Gas pfd do Drug Co pfd 103 103; Vltatu r- 41 hours, the cotton market stead-' S.R STOCK EXCHANGE By Special Wire to Oakland Tribune morning PRICES sistant cashier of the First Berkeley 21 2 5 2 5 50 1" 125 13 3n 10 4'i branch of the Trust company, -will be In charge. Associated with him will be W. J.

Mortimer lso of Berkeley. nas jubi returned from a trip east, during which he spent several months studying the bond and stock busi swift A 0.. 8R3 second atreat. quote tbr following prleea: No. 1 beef ateera, 14Vje; No.

1 eof beef. 11c: ateer blnrlquartera. liHc; ateer-forea. 11 He: cow hinds. 14Hc; cow forea.

8V4c: ateer riha I718c; ateer lol na. ateer chncka. Otc: ateer ahlo and aho ilrlera. ateer platea. Oc: ateer morula, lfic.

8prlnr laml. 30 to 36 Iba. 27c: do. 37 to 42 2Uc: do. 43 Iba.

anil up. 25c: ewea. No 1. 13c: rearllnge. So.

1. IHc: sadillea of lamb, 33c: forequartera of lamb. 21c. No. 1 teal.

90 to 120 17c: No. I Teal, hlndquartere. 23c: No. 1 al. forequartera.

10c. No 1 DO to 12.1 22c: pork lolna. 8 to 10 pork lolna. 10 to 12 34c: pnrk leKB, 10 to 12 2Hc: pork atiouldera, 20c: Boaton butta. 27c; spare rllia.

21c: pork tenderloloa. 65c: neck booea. 7c: leaf lard. le. California (attlemen'a Association qootea Sao ITranctaco.

rlxia Angeiea. Bteera. Cow. gteera. Cowa Good (14.00 (11.

00 $14.00 111. 00 13.00 10.00 13.00 10.00 Common. 18.00 9.00 12.00 9.00 pacmc Man Pacific Portland Cement f5 Palmer Lnion Oil 10c 1 In.er Union Oil Pan-American Western. 24 25 River Farms Riverside Portland Cemt Eat, 5230 Santa Cruz Ptld Kern nw 71 Sou Cal Edison pfd 96 'i Sou Calif l-M i son 110 Transcontinental 3.25 3 65 Cnited Bank and Trust United Oil P.ltes Ventura OH Co Virden Packing Co 30 34 Western Packing pfd 2 ness and developing nis bciiuhuh- ance SPwjong investment nanaem. lo Before his connection wun 150 Zellerl Hi.h Corpn the Mercantile Trust, company, ne was elected to the alvisory board, Bancitaly Corpn Faraffine Paint co 111.

Pacific Gas pfd i Western Pacific pfd. Western -Packing com ami in retaining that position ne will continue his active Interest in the bank's affairs. Naylor Is the Ron of the late Frank L. Naylor, the famllv for many years having been directly connected with the old First National Bank of Berkeley, now the First Berkeley Branch of the Mercantile Trust company. 5o 10 ii 15 50 100 50 1 00 led with a recovery t1 a dollar a bale this morning.

An Improvement lo December to 234c found contracts for tale and throughout the first three hours the market was ailed upon to digest Eteady Streams of hedging orders from Southern nources. The movement has now become beavy and cotton is piling up at both port and Interior towns to an tent that calls for more extensive hedging transactions fis protection Balnst purchases In the interior. December continued to maintain its wrenilum over January and lat' months though several spot houses rot through an extensive swapping uelness.in the way of profit-tak-img on theosale of December against the purfhase of January at a spread over fij points. Liverpool, the Xoi'th and spot Ii' uses generally emed to have May contracts for sale as w. 11 as January ind these two positions acted as a drag on the rest of the market The weekly weather report Showed that heavy rains had retard-4) both picking and ginning In Western sections and at the same damaged grades of cotton open the fields.

In the eastern sections, larvestlng made rapid progress and fa Georgia cotton is said to be nearly all picked except for a few scattered fields. HesTy sellir.r wit resumed dnring th? afternoon' an4 the morntnK recovery of 'JO Seleta favt ns.v to decline loto uvw low sltafT. 81 614 81 Vi 82 82 22 4 .120 4 33 34 22 .108 4 27 ..291 ..291 .201 ..101 34 .186 4 ..125 4 ..120 .108 4 26 91 ..202 97 97 4 26 4 ..202 82 4 97 4 56 97 4 9 5 56 27 4 ,.202 4 63 27 4 .2.83 63 4 28 4 56 4 .108 ,.120 ,.120 63 4 .292 254 .2.90 87 4 .166 .202 .292 8 64 ,.125 5V4. ,.120 ,.1204 56 4 97 ,.121 .1154 .101 101 101 864 bC 1 e.siern water estern States Life Ins. 24 'J House com f5 Ztllerbach Paper 104 United Oil Pacific Gas pfd Flour pfd United Oil Hunt BroK Ban' ila ly Corpn Sperry Flour com Hunt Bros North American Oil Spei rv Flour com California Petroleum United Oil I Motor Stocks ISTEn ROXPS Bid Dividends Ark 103'.

a Motor tork quotation, fnrnialied by Sutro 100 it 10 5o American Far-tors 7s 36.102 'i Oakland Hunk rr-r-il Assooiati Oil 101 Annual turned to said depositors returning said specifications in good condition within said time limit. Each bid must be accompanied by a check for at least ten (10 of the total amount of said bid or proposal, certified to by some responsible bank and made payable to George il. Gross. Clerk of th Hoard, to ho forfeited to tho County of Alameda, as ngreed and liquidated damages should the party or parties to whom the contract shall be awarded fall to enter Into the contract after the award or to give the bond required by the board for the faithful performance of the contract. Tho Board reserves the right to reserve any and nil bids.

GEO. E. GROSS, Clerk of tho Board of Supervisor! of Alameda County, California. Dated: cptomber 14, 1925. Oil 1)1 A WcK NO.

274. AN ORDINANCE CURB GRAPES AND POSITIONS OF OURRS ON A PORTION OF WOODLAND WAT FROM CROCKER AVENUE WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY 3(15 FEET. BE IT ORDAINED bv the Council of tho City of PIEDMONT as follows: SECTION 1. The positions of curb on the Southwestern side of Woodland way from the North line of Crocker avcifW. Westerly and Southerly 3H5 feHf are hereby fixed and lestablished 'tis shown on that certain map entitled, "MAP SHOWING CURB GRADES AND POSITIONS OF CURB ON A PORTION OF WOODLAND WAY, PIEDMONT.

CALIFORNIA, SEPTEMBER, 1925, E. O. CITY ENGINEER," filed September 3, 1925, In (he office of tho City Clerk of the said City of Piedmont. SECTION -2. All parts of ordinances In conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect Immediately. Introduced by Councilman Mac-Inchlan at a regular meeting of the City held September 1925, seconded by Councilman Moore, and carried byMhe following vote: Ayes: Councllmen Wolfe. HlbbarfJ, Moore. Maclachlan and President Ellsworth.

Noes: None, Absent: None. Passed nnd adopted at a regular meeting nf the City Council held September 17, 192,1, on motion of Councilman Moore, secojieed by Councilman Maclachlan and carried by the following vote: Ayea: Councllmen HlbbHrd, Moore. Maclachlan nnd President Ellsworth. Noes: None. 1 Absent: Councilman Wolfe.

OLIVER ELLSWORTH. President of the City Council of the City of Piedmont. WEARE C. LITTLE, City Clerk. Cltjr.cf Piedmont.

Ak. Ilivd 10 Caterpillar 37 I I IMI nid. 311'i 113(4 100 4 100 4 4 A regular dividend of 1 per cent on the preferred capital stock of Atlas Powder Company. Wilmington, Delaware, has been declared payable November 2. 1925.

to stockholders of record at the close of business October 20. 1925. The stock transfer books of the company will not be closed for the payment of this dividend. Checks will be mailed. Authority for the above: Leland 11.110 7.oo 3.110 1 mi 0.00 3.

"0 7.00 7.00 MIMJSU 'I I. MM. Bid Aok TONOPAH BOI 'loifld Curry 02 Ilelmont 70 Hale Nuiciobs IS Cash Hoy 02 03 (HI Crescent 01 02 10 Cvpav Queen upl.lr 0:1 04 Halifax 03 07 Saiane 01 Jim lllitler 08 1" Kroipinn 02 03 MaeNiliniiia 01 "2 Sierni Neva, III "I 0.7 Hon I'l its 01 Spearhead 'HI 08 North Star 02 03 Linnii "2 03 New California 02 03 CAL1F0RNIAS Bid item-no 03 04 llek'lier I)x ton 01 02 'i'Miopnli Kxlenslon 1.45 1.50 Ulai'li nil Tnnonah Mining o.lm lien llur 02 03 'ionopall 76a 03 05 IliinHei Hill 1 111 CI I In 111 1 10 11 1.37 Weat Knd j. 28 30 Duulile 02 03 West Kit.) F.it 03 04 Kavla W1 DiVIDES Bt. ak.

Weilca 01 02 Alto 0.1 0(1 HrllfB 02 03 Aladdin 03 01 Moore Mining- 04 03 Annex 01 02 Nevada 1 1 1 1 1 at Oil 11. 'Icher Ex 13 Sul 04 03 BcvlB l7 Villow lilll! (17 lilvlije Ex 02 (13 DEVRbhH Bid. Ask. Divide 13 18 nr Ilvlden 02 03 ItirklnKliitm Mina 01 05 Cold Zone 01 02 I'lunui linld Reef CO 08 Fairs tew It Mm if, 1 1 11 mi 1 1 1 05 00 Manhattan Cms 04 llaalironrk VI 02 Mnrflone (12 Divide 04 05 Mlin-rul Jlln 30 lloiiieatako tt 0 M.vrn "I "2 Kerntck 01 ()2 Hi, mid Mountain 23 21 l.nck; Kny 01 02 Prime Con 30 Pay Divide 00 10 Simon Record 02 lis I'rilnn 21 Kins 02 03 Sutmei rimiiKKlel G. 02 Cirnndc 07 08 Sunheara 01 03 White up 39 40 Tonopata 17 10 IKFASURt ill Lis Bid.

Ak Thnniaoa 01 02 Aladdin 01 02 Vvrdl Pivl.le Kx "2 Victory' 04 OS Klorenca 01 11a Waa( 03 03 Mrra 23 24 Waal Reors "4 OS 8ninirgler 01 02 OOLiiriELDS Bid. OIHLB DISTRJCIS Bid. A.k Boolh 01 02 lln.in.liy jIuUllllllD 04 Krartloo Filcnn no Tracker Jack 01 02 Kingman Silver 02 03 Florence 05 06 Sllve.amith "I- (ioldfleld Con 04 03 Wert Knd Chem com "8 10 i.oldfleld Develop 01 113 do pfd 211 Grandma 01 02 Ureal Mend 01 02 MINING BALES. Jtimho Ext 01 02 loftir netem K11I11 03 Krvtanaa 02 03 ine" Alio lina Siar 02 03 1mm. Ilaimlll (hi Red Hill 01 PaKi Keiniik 01 Kandalorm 01 112 tfm) lorv 1)4 Rllrrr Pick 01 08 MHKi Cnn Virginia Weat Reorf 02 03 I'm" Could curry 02 OOliSTOCKsl Bl.

Alt. l.MI'l Mrxlrao 01) Beat A Balcber 03 entral Furrka 1.8.1 Ktllllna 03 CM. Hold WedK 01 Choi la 1'NMl Rtiiherland Oft Concordia oa lum white ap DO Coa Vlrflal (M 1000 Zeds Grands OT 114 24V 30 aavi 90 Pacific Gas com 90 Pacific Gas corn 40 Kperrv.Flour com 130 BiuittUty Corpn 305 Gein-ral Petroleum pfd 100 Honolulu Oil 30 Fireman's Fund 10 American lianlt. 10 BanciLaly Corpn 10 do 10 Faneol pfd ,15 do com 150 'California PkK CO United Oil Chandler Motora General Mntora do II deb do 7 deb Hudaon Motors Hupp Motora. Mark Truck Clirjaler A Moon Motora N'aah Motora 1'aekard Motors com do pfd Pierce Arrow do pfd studelaker Corp White Motora Willya Oerrlaod com do pfd Dodge com Ray Coc 1st Cs 100 Cal On Ga 69 9Si Calif Klec G(-n 99 Cwlif Has Kl-c 3 Cal Klec 1st 5s 100 6'al 5s.

loo Cal-Haw 105')i Cal-Or Power 6.H 99 Cal-Ore Power Js 102 Cal-Ore Pwr A 7 'is Cnl PPt O'if) 1034 Cal Tel 103 4 City HI 1st mtre Cs 100 City Investment 6s 100 Coast 5s '46 64 4 Kast Bay Water 101 Kngels Corp con 103 First Fd Tr 1st I Gen Pet notea 101 Geo Pet lut 7a 105'A Ot. West Pwr Cs '46 98 Oa West Pwr 7 '5o 9NV Horn of 8po 6a Insurance Exeh 6a 99U Lyon, treasurer. 05 214 101 30 4711 40 Ji'S 01 Ml (.3 '4 20 211 8 10s 100.4 1004 Dry Goods 4 'in 4.00 41 80 r.7, 02 'i lf'S', 1AIW. 23 2.1 2305 kmbir 23 r.t 2:1 r.a2.i in Itaoarr 22 72 22 22. 37 ft 22 3n March 22 22 I2 22 112122 US 23.

HI 22 81 22 Pacific Gas coJii. do do Cnited Oil Pacific Gas pfd 130 10 C'l YORK. Sept. 30 Cotton cloths were fairly active today at unchanged prices and raw silks quiet with slight advances In several grades. 1 2S an" CCBB STOCKS.

Oo pra 8 1034 101 101 'i 1054 99 98i 934 1 "0 2 00 50 Pacific (jas com LlaTfcl) HO SALES, Reo Motor! l'cerleaa BANK RATE ADVANCED. lVONDON', Sept. 16. The Jmprlal Mk of India, today advanced Ha KM o( allacount from 4 to 6 ptr Key Systm Tr latv '33 .101 General. Petroleum 7s.

Pac Tel Tel Cs 7 Mkt Kl RK 7s Key Bys 6 Great Western Pwr Pacific Gaa 5s 40110 DOOO 2M0O 1000 louu 93 (4 84 4 nej en, it vm 00. Key ti.vstem Tr ts I. A Elect rie Sa A'G El fs 39 100 93 O'IU'1 UK 2000 Pacific Tel Tel '62. 97 l'WO Pacific. Gas do 30011 A tii '4 9 JL A SVjs '43 9f-4 41 41 27 27 271, 27 21 2 2HH 2 21 77 21 7 li PAPER STOCK Jl.

The paper stocks International Paper and I'nion Bag; and Paper notably were active, and stronK todav. In th case of the latter, trade news alone was not respons1-hle for the rise. It appesrs that a speculative syndicate has taken Bajt and Paper In hand and has been doing; qulto well. Operations In International Paper's plants, lt Is understood, ar galnlnc steadily, and II any pries cut Is contemplated as recentl reported, It Is expected to be offset by til increase In volume 10 Molometer A 60 do 40 Bancitaly Corpn 204 do 406 do 10 do 350 do 100 do ino do 352 do 112 do 20 Wcitrin Pao pfd go Western Pac com 10 do 30 Dodge pfd do to Pacific Ptld Cement O000 do 6a 106 T.K(MIIER&( lututatnt Sec*ntatt 9tl I ai 4 105 100 1 LP '42. ..103 A ref 7a A 2C A ref 7s B-C 131.105 A Pao Ry fa II.

it A Pa Ky '41 A lat rate '41. Ksl A Rallwar tH I "4LISTKU "ALEI. 1 30 American Coml 111 do 18 .6 do ,.....,.117 II do ll 1000 Hollr Buarac 7a '17 101 4 30 Albera pi I gAMIllANCSOO MIU I cf bualne..

Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.