The Lafayette Advertiser from Lafayette, Louisiana (2024)

TIC E. 1THLE uB'iersignec; eu LtepoLv I ie of 11 Sttniticn aid tro. in invy. in ing and 5urvtyii.l Iraaetb whidat 1t Ir i I711i 111. ted 1f II 41 ii I i.

t. rtr i diarn 1'r lito Ii'1 Cr ifec.r IIenprrl, N-f fire an;) UII.Iliit kind'- tli' United "ate- 1ei. Siarreror. TO ILETVermiiionvilb. '1'he praprateIor will sell the C.ealil:it nfln gn.di and MarTI Lth i il, er Mlarch lons.1! mildJ )E ltl! 4 v'uimiliolsam1aX.

cmlha.arihuA 1: aid jei uiri.e lul'1. nod an't twob hirll arpautc Pir.ko (EN s. BIG nlUiNE4 -ii I. i. SLiIcti dniLtats i ise de S'l- L.4Jett, de la collections, splus billet, eW, que l'un voedra bierr u.sI6, avec prgmptitu-lo et Fer SNae.

A Ptmutati. itiead usI.UiiiW Is-ibaiiah w64L ioadrp. atp4 e1gbt SUeu cotaliaytn mypeabt I 1al. witb buiH'" to gad tWp imse eorniug in a con'modH oo fbasm soSAS buas. gin and mil bt? a 3 sad other artko Lvr uudcr gouA 2.

A ust desirable plautatins sitiated mhsis et from the prish Court House of kIs qIh lb Wswat akf bb kl of saootV 30i 6 lstis of land part p1 kbU icb, eura 6tbsn mmd a oa hmeeu. VGA of all lur fthsa altstloo. tJ arch 7rilie, -pU, 31LH L3 DEALERS IN BOOTS AND. S119S "4c Street, fS I stir Tn lbre old. sud miiable Fb.rrr i SAM tY tl IdvwI inol Cirn.

Being puttielt matutm bet dMui ate lrgeer hian fUam the wruu mi Lrps Mout. 81.w v.i ratgi mmt peItl to ou Cenfherale ei Mb ou" krpeaia pit tngrtber. Cuff oa oce sad take out a pY am iWP for fbI fr'itJy. F. C.

LAI'L Ar nt at YmieinEotimh, 'eorr anian asbington iK F. lecal Maintiner. Tgoine stove. Lz. O.4daktieh o', slt tfr Lo.4,$.

ao.4rtaik N. Ai CorstowT Law, wmilI im bb pt err.UrenJ I'arihl' iininSL Mainr, Verauillu, Et. zIudrv, sad Lafa cttc. July YfMi rt. de I'Lwu inr i4.

ailetQ ECul.o tI.tmt' flowf KI Aotbt II avril. 1 Il seiltle et MuA Iarnan, clevauxA non ita.pIQr uiv exoellei.t chevit trois4. la' A MWoros. Rr) i ur. 141131 bmud1Los-- twbe MSI a Ibis, mt)rsi Owing. prove 0 lik amid miai aw" gehiwim tbsp wW be deamt with msmsidm bt olaw. May 39 AKBIE JUDICE. 'vi' 't' g' ia a 'ii," hmoana i I ihaul a1 I' icn" d-cil, it I Ii rely a.q:I couarv ttar I 1. i. II 'IIJ 'I I 31'I if 'I a'1 1t Irosa' u-h i cwn ij Se 1a-t bsdlk of Bayou having a im jaual A layeuia by otw t.

U. 1'A2. Ii. 2 iii I Mn lirtrct of Louisiana, conainu- In Intl Ctrra. hoaaocde lan of Jotepla azad Jsc'pb Imar; a bCmt tonU be' crath'rated ani lt4d obtt For furtblii dai'ia'ptlon a-id addreis biatbwc of La.

P. CP IIarihanliseo sNches-Groceriese, V'er. rerie, Buttes, Suu-, Iierb, Chapeeaux et, ftiaiunun du tOUtW gr.Ludetr;a ef qua1itt-. -n Leauu. Lo habitanw et le on orunt leur viibr, et chet luiav nmt do far.i.~lors 1q.

I-Lw piu haut piix du inarc'be U.L*. pty puir CH (otil, REA f0 EsTA' AG aoT, it.W1('E Al NEW IkicRA, L'. I RlSI'FJTF1LLLY offer my tI to 1c owners of tl.a Parish of Lt fu. the sae of Fasraja, waid emimpeored tracts of land; 1 devote, any entire i to the busiimse, Sad aihow no chance fiwor a eor 10" tqstmhnt to' ga My successs. tLe rapid sale of large mud Plantatiorn in the St.

Martia, Iberia and St. Mi.Irv, is sufficieant roaaui for mse to hope to intriduca Urge amounts of capiaI anad enaarpaishiz' citizeaas in this rich sad promisiiaag' Parad1. I hberalfo at no' charge to hlie land owner aatd sale is effected. I a1Ia.IP a pl-Jge ni' l'aaucs wrlainag tosael property amy can send full and misute di.criptaias to any dttiee lva mcii, and I will aiat4 the a '1 iaerauri I the lest faoilitiea at baud for the prompt sale 1f prart-ry ariy agent in the State. I have a largo and thoroughly ewera'nal.

aha, rhcbsinaes and expect Ito 4soI fin.r to it, siak or lt. ffasrv.H.a eLhhasnRl1.e 'l iae ate Agent. ti8 2. -3ane. E.

GIRAIJ', I ATTOPRruT AT iW 1Wit1 practice his ppo fisslon in tet)oerta ofthe axed DhstrbteY Oue iax Vercnlkaoilg. La. ICDC rHS aa edgue edsste pebthp that au after tb rl of Mayd 1872, they erredi so fee looer periodtf tbbrty (3O) days. EASTIN GWIDRY. May 11th 1M2.

F. Ari( 14 utPU '1'l i. It fir, ur of -i 'in ed If rish oton yi 1 '0 1 h'i't 1,) ii 1 I'c'CO A 1'tc, n.1 i'. 7. cillc'r'." I'ilir, ji*z USIe ie a (1' i 4 Lev, I qt'' irlaIP, cut to S.E trtc of I'uttt 1'utt Knives, Sr of ail kindis, SIhool anli is.

1:... Al an toil illd at ll'u W. BILLE, I'1. 11 NE.AUR 'OtST4JFFICE. glvtawte t1 Ilm Ia" (f Sop.aiagtco.

Deinarkr; tl baao)lrrv I. trim 1ad. rereity of Iadtu ltaly for yesr' a ruiianI pt. -Lian five th Parle. Dr.

BILL.E haisa cquitl a high reputalien S1PIIIAT for all kinds of Sexual diseases and ate a cured after a new. tuudd qiui InIethodl. afidtt and aetainral qnickly Perftct mirt' always warranted. cr.aitaining Vn ld will uuttenuiuun. All a w.ui;.tatic ail cuinmunice diunh ttrictly curltidtutiall.

ot 3a Bw(oI. I. W. ro.i;EttL.I IILSTERN PI.ODU) WIN)Ea, LIQIUOR, CtIGARS 'rij TOBACCO, 30' P'eters Inte New LCeCv ORLR-LYw June Atrd iexpoerra TEAS, No. 102 PoYdras Street, Ft.

IW i.EZM C.A: IAIv VCT)CANII8 New Orlesns. 'C. WEISSEIR, Main b'-tweeu WFasinaon and ILatayette 'Stretets ahlioIv ReceTvid AU! Wuek OuarLsoteed. Give ma a trial. m8 Verroilionville La.

C. P. CONNELLY. I)EALER IN 1IDy --Urockery w'are, Bcots, SLucs, Hats and Caps. RT L'Y CLOTHING nil and- I'LANTKlt and the pu'lic generally will fieid iL to tLhir interest to Cal! at giri es.

tabiahun and examaine the exteusive bLocHk 0n bhand if sLly to wuake any Cotton purchased at the biglzeat market pricrs'. Nov.3Q. 1872. Cie pr Ahentr i Tm "ed! All clai'eae orking people. o411cr sex.

yung you i. srks re I moneyat $work for us iu their npare momea'n, or all the time, than at anything nele. Particulars free. Siuauoz Portlaud, Milne. Sept.

TANT en dana les campMgnes, et n'ayat pas li temps d'aller voir tous ma vieux amis et oonnaimances, je me oedMmiade aisai qu'au publio en avoir use partie de leur patrouage pour la vente des cotons et autres produits qu'on voudra bien me ocasigner. J. L. COURET. SOct.

1872. Ic. a iiiewu 1a. a'I )iIU i l. bl) lF(.

-LV Ltllio01' 'LI it bed qIa A It' Uh litatioxi fin ira tie alt'ti)' 1 dl i .1 I'i)i'. 1 illy l'hi a'tr lt trilil 'r 'ayu latr gtii 14c' dic 00, S--s' ce .4 nd fiieuim Ya 41o IA I d- ne-Ia Inter-st. )n cif ni le a'b onthe rmhlt si ti ii. i a tinven 2 L.n ni' Snir i lg 1.4 I bi ail i jI)wood IanDI 11 I) y. 10 IThe i k' f)LJ rd' r.

(Ak ad thd ii wt ijv tall rij i't'al', I' 1'1t1 iod'eu he lqIt rat I rlsL) it1i c. Anwell iump.oved 1 ie -'tat itvm it siult4 nt I I i 12 if. 2IlIi'. Vam iV tIi-lp evi 2.r. Li 1': s1.

i'. 0 oti c''a inm' l1e) nrant. YIi'len SLOf- cLhG)45 tie. n. net Il I T'd 1 Pt-ice Iwterng cri ii li'.

IiiinCq nthler land near A ll Pth sr o1 5 e. a ni lond Pa, fIC) ln 'l n. Cttl. H. thekatii i lt) pe' I 'bii Bpi I "Iutl for n' ura akekrli hio ntiin -ig rin n12 wmthe se.

10 a A 3u 1tiraatt iii iii 'i 1rsflt i 1-ani litod9 rt mierrs fd lof. ite, a 4II et nt.i 1 o11 12 attached. Ial AtOpe tiimprp' v. warg ad(t. "1o nt its Ina time Veighb pr si n.

ktag edtgv. 12.B A Si ill wih ityto nh a Ie Ad llle, arri ii trrarin' ep, ne of l' th" M.ryth ug gooT. as tolirtag 30)a: pess. it i i Prc ice $200- ittlla: in i1l 1.2 months: 11.Fives tac. cltlotsin of V'tm ar irtu's.

Price $Jperlt t2 A fity-twoinhSa-. hea-w of Blch wet-k, orrginel and slctemd literre orfl 2ie ilaTitlnti ever. ythin. npoety, etn P.miripnneceflUc oall t11cuwsty cud abroadE. from peOple, a rAuwe oS the I'New ilLi.

-c, IteK. Tm)eaai-d WLi Ir.tertr~r Ansnnum.Ytr TO CLUBS. The will lf trunibe4 an follows, to cu address. I Copisc. 9...


WILTI. P.S. Wu rz, Ja P. S. WILTZ General Commission Merchants, No.

58 Caroi delet Street, (Between tUnion and Perdido.) NEW ORL ANS. HOI SES FOR S'LE. 12 Harness, Saddle and unbroke i One Al half american carriage horse, by AMIBROISE MOUTON'. Feb L. F.

RIGE.ES COLLECTOR, OFFERS his services to the inhabitants of the Parish of Lafayette. All accounts placed in his bands will be attended to. ept. 9th 1671. i3 r'Lit 1 Lj1 £4 Th! uier in il 7o7, y.

also r'M t.t;;+tt,ýtIre fcri 111 xed fi'et' of chag. gnMdk guaraiftee.i an.l urtars itttericidcd cC i ere ill tow n. to atur vu dainin 1Vzn. F. sa JIIoItrrnIC d.

liT.i New a litt I'. 1 alt' Ito iy ell. V. UI ILL praCtCIh' lm-tc in ts' jllrihoL' titi neal 'rompt aatte'ntion paid to ail huiaines, tiopaatsti to his cart. Dti.

1411 '1872. ce. on a tour throilglr the countryY anti not mIviitA( LC ghi Iet hV ni old f.i i a.t I hy recommend myvself to t'meel, ainal the public in general, Ihoping, to be favoredt with shakre of their patront g-, for ilhe. eels of notto rrantlod ltr paidunt, whicah aeav be consigned to 1.

L. CC) ET. FOR A. t.aot to P'rattle and 11o teal il sisald on flip oast denl; 01 thetea Iaait conatailnling Twu I perlip 'Ial at at (ltttt or mtike totalt, of the towso at stwO one ant a half attles Blmot the N. 0.

mad Rijlroma. This truat oaf isadis cuaaidtlectl one of the hest on the tzilyon tier: is a 'r rr" 164, plmEe whtich in a mt4 be frw a restIckec. For appliv I Mary 5. 1 J. J.

Uh! -iaits i. pas4ie la pliat coitimrerl4nte de' notre redire ies et louera lu local des taux plus snples iuftirnst.ons, aikcs22 J)I ER''O IZY. AGLICLTUCRAL, JXPI.RLEN'73. TIos. B.

No. 9 Perdido Ball's Ohbio Mow ev and nesperu. Sattlev '(asg PFlws, tstaford (urliratorS, Snutbern Cern Plaowrs, and Cotto. Planters, Victor Ca mc Silli, Coos'a Evaporato. Bo F.5 AND dLIILPR rNS' CI.O (flLJ'C.

B. T. Wauui I IC anal Stres! new St.Charlcs. CARI'57 WAW1OVOI E. A.

orssAu Ubartra Stlxeo. lIp.rtree of and Whsl ulr and Ieheil iq Carpets, Floor Oil Ulotha, Chins and Cocos Mattiai Curtalns, Shades and UpbuWers' Da. J. S. Iarp, 15 Barounus Street.

WFu.iuu Uouz, 108 Carondekt arbe Poydras. ORLEUANYS 142 Canalatrect. Da. Oensa and Specil Surgery. DP.

Bean, Disases ot the Eye and Ear. Da. On Dbuama 1 eculiar to Femalea Ds. Bsus, Diussets of Throat sad Chest. Acoommsodatlona First-Clau, send tot Circular.

P. 0. Box 67. SlllRTS A.ND VEIV B. T.

110 Canal Street. near St. Charle Henry PFlmsrd, flue Ramparts, Noe. 133 et 13. (Eatre St.

INlerto et Touloupe) NMUVkLLE Mcbdeab de oloatl de. prix la. 21 1812. MOUTON, will hereafter attend to no cases but criminal cases, beyond the limits of the Parish of will prosecute or defend. His address is Abbeville, Parrish of Vermilion, La.

ROBERT S. lap, 8RRR.b, LA, 4 I. E. I ic. 1.:4 m-VIA! jbye landry.

Vern ('fidean Ofice- Vt LLc tJS A fl Rill3 Jratrie'r A RNs ti iud kiiirih Mtuictc in Xe.w Labe ('arh', I', J'rietijeee In ('rLensi, Rt. Ijauilalri nmdl in Oranp l.T ibF TX1. 31r VOrN Lun Iff lLe uutin if tlo S-t. Mar1tin AIK llrii I.r· 0.1 4 0 4 Ts, livrest St. uIsOqT dils t(ure'tu a St.

A Iwr'OIF. if ATILal 'rrrtlhm arikLfr LL tI T.t!: -'L to dril 1.fl7 YVrt flh ml I ii. i I i siiet iu :1. It.41..y kiwi Caicaaieu. (8a, WiOklI) Pariab of lb ria, DcUht).

C(Rie Itnur fmtfr Ns O'c1uchbY, plt April 27th 1872. E. BEAUCHAN, IEL Oi sa enbes is he Wllttlt tongM illfls Residne in te llnirp I Leon Billsad. UST1CU HE Wardt, Peri Ls yd Call at the Auvaramlsa 49 Venltitionrill Ja. S1, 1871.

-AD- aDOLPuE aLEX I AnsD minr; No. 180 ComBoS ORLeAI i J.o'o QLMTaoZIZ. WIIOLESALE GROCS WINES BRAIID At the 338MO Corner 01.1 Levee ead S9ept. 19 S. Mail Stage Li3r IU.

NAIL SiTAGB leas MF Cute hyfe, (jdge, sdid i'ewtki rl daily, Sandu cndsoe ui byesa and ahgtss dyI cand for Ifs! and Srltber NjUP 00 Th rough tickest the underaIgaed YP. jOL ai.

The Lafayette Advertiser from Lafayette, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.