The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)

.1 Page D4 Tuesday, April 3. 1 990 Waterloo Cuner Real Estate City 3100 950 1 950 Legal Legal ttn Classified WAUSAU HOMES BARTH STEER! 131-1011 See us for your Retl Estate needs Wartl Reelty 234-eto, 134-7102 CASH RATES- DEADLINES ADS CORRECTIONS CANCELLATIONS MONDAY CANCELLATIONS ONLY 8 00 TO 9 00 A MONDAY FOR MONDAY PAER NO SATUROAY PAPER OEPT CLOSED SATUROAYS. SUNDAYS ANO HOLIDAYS results want I you want Courier Classified! Kites art tot Consecutive Divs Mimmurn CMrge S4 00 MOATS WE ST. 120 Oeklewn Ave. 2 story, 1 bedroom, 1 baths, newly re-' modeled living, dining room, Steve, retrkj.

477,000. 133-174 C. 10 00; IPERS 271 85, US WelJa3 Postage 93 12. Fad Soc Sec WM SM S4; Sues Tai 696 70. State go 64; Wwo WW 20.

Water Products Co. 373 04; Wloo Counor 40 30; Pronto 49 S6; Man Paran I Sons 307 04; Casey 19 9a: Anms Petroleum 49 So: Hawkeye Sard 33 S3; Payiess Cashwaya S4 75; Morris Hew I 17; Means 56; Mar Co. 92 55, A A 21 00. Moton camed. Poor to approval of ekems.

decue-son on venous manors such as: Legally ol Sommerto 10 raoa vehicles, ooncerning conflict of Merest. Board xsiructod secretary 7 DAYS 1100 10 DAYS 06' PtH Ilk OATS i DAYS $1 tl 10 1 DAY SI SO 95 NORTHEAST IOWA Jimaa $4 00 $7 50 $11 $14 00 $H0O OttO Junes 450 11 24 1150 21 00 71 50 MM INDEX OF CLASSIFICATIONS 4 Unas 100 IS 00 27 00 71 00 MOO 53 70 Sane 7 50 it 75 77 50 35 00 47 50 HSO (0 8S0 1650 I'M 1900 7000 7950 3000 3850 Rill Elllll City 3100 Announcements f.nanc Busmesi Seivntn Ren Estite 4000 4900 5000 ,5000 6950 7000 "800 $000 8850 950 Rentji Housing Agriculture Merchandise Employment Tijnspprljlion Legal Oubc Courier Circulation Area 1 50 Per Lmat Service Charge tor Bund Boa cave ol Courier $15 00 Investment. Rol calf vote' Ayes -Sn. Moton caned Moved by Lottus. seconded by Atkins, to pass Resruton 3205.

authoring paymem of monthly 04s and accepting monthly lranierS. Counciime'noar Atkins ouestoned the Ml lo the Cedar ey Unad Way for the Needs Assessment Survey and which line item the funds wau come 'cyn City Cert advwed the Counea had arcoved the eipenditure from the 'Proles 1 sonaiConsuiam Fees ine earn at the last meeting. Ron can vote; Ayes Moton earned. Ron Huebner. an Hawk Waste Disposal, accroached the Counai reganng Ine reQoesi lor the OOSt Of kvng crease as pmvoed lor me garoaoe contract.

Ouestons and oomments ware rieard rom George Aixns. Ed Farmer, and Con eon. Moved by Atbill. seconded by Warneka. Id arowee the reouett.

eedive 4-1-90. Roil can vote: Ares -Sik. Moton earned. Moved by WarnekA seconded by Art to accept and c-ace on lie the audit lor Fy 88 89. Ron can vote: Avee Sn.

Moron earned. At aooroiimatety 7 17 PU. Mayor Vonoracea cosed me nsgular meet-ig and ooeneo Puoi neanng on assessmem of unpao oenouem sewer user lees. Prod ot putwea-tion was received and on tne There wens no written comments received or oral oomments heard Cry adveed mere was S8C3 WE NEED LISTINGSI For prompt. Immediate attention.

list with our office. Balrd 4 Fink, Realtors 24-2475 3880 3900 BvVesS DwortLinity Moti HCuS-nj tJaClvuTOtO MIIKI SUPER ttlOuuKMS iUutl II 001 Tl HOOt LOUISE MCMAINS 4VM074 Tt 11.000 For a Professional Current Market Price Analysis at no obligation, call ReMax Executlvet-232-2240 lo oonsua wen lewis on as matter. Prior to attendance. Board reoueeted aporovat an additional personnel to attend senwter and queetoned the cearng oheroea. Gary Heanck.

Ciaassen Engineer mg discussed venous expec(at7ne and optons oonoermnf lest wel. dead ends, uoeete on easem*nt purchase, mamienance oontracl an waiar tower moe pnweL upoatmg map and revojons the rures and regulator rooardirig cost laoors ol attending mam. Purchasing Ima detectoi was discussed winch would asset obtammg evorma-taxi lor upoahng mapa. Moton by Ivmee. seconded Porter to approve Ml Heme to epore lha cosl lanora nvoNed oonOurl-rig a last wahUohon earned.

Benme Jon neon presented water man anenaon eo-ey ol me any ot Waterloo Water Oeoanment and 1221 WISCONSIN 1 bedroom, garage, contract House of Realty, Inc. 21-4000 CHARM OF YESTERYEAR Classic tredltlonel 1 story home, 4 bedrooms. 1 Vs bethv formal dining, remodeled kitchen, oak everywhere Excellent location la Grundy Center. COL DWELL BANKER GRANGER REALTORS "EXPECT THE BEST" 291-8600 rates 6 DAYS 56 00 6 OAYS 59 00 3 line minimum ao Add It tor each kne over 3 Pred for Sent items omy PfavATt parties ONLY Not lor conanuous oners merchandise ouennty or Ciassihcation 600-Rum maa Oa'age Saes fBt 3AY Bt NEWki-Pav for your Super Saver ed 4 days 01 ma first day a appears rf you have soid nommg on the rest dascneouwd. can us ana we renew nkjr another Soars fRte Of cwARoe CALL FOR COMPlETf INFORMATION ON RATES 'These rsies aoory a pa4 wrtnui 10 davs aner bng data DIAL 291-1411 Locally 1-800-798-1741 Toll Free 8 AM to 4:50 P.M.


IA 50704 (PAYMENTS ONLY: P.O. BOX 1766) FAST poss. 171 lerge 1 bedroom rench, tea sg. ft. Like new cond.

174,500 Call dey or night PAUL F. KOWAL, Realty 233-2570 Outstanding Ranch I ltSS DOWNING, WATERLOO Merle Conredl. GRI 74-743 PERPETUAL PARTNERS. REALTORS 21-1770 Condominiums 3200 owed tor unpaid sewer buts and nw owed lor unpaid garbaoaiJ irpit nrn bias. Moved by Lotus seconcecj LfcuAL 930 pioosduros of otnar areas on lha Who Docs It Directory byAtka-nv to cose Pubic Hearing- of the Cny ol Watenoa ere r.

orlice of th. Rol Cuv PRIME Cedar Fells coodo. 1 king site bedrooms, IVs baths, main floor laundry, full basem*nt, double garage. Priced In 170s. Call Paf McElhlmey 277-457, or Greater Metro Realty.

732-753 cat vote: Ares S. youn Clerk, Auditor lor pupae eiamina-tion. and any person interested earned. Pubw Hearmg closed al ON THE RIVER 970' 6 ACRES may lw wrsten odecton MJniiaianr r. Moved by A2MI.

seconded bv Loi Cell 291-141 1 for Directory Rates for Your Ad tus. to pass Resolution 3206, assessing unpaid deknquent sewat CON DO for sale. Purchase price IIS, SOO 142-271, La Porte City, for additional Info end showing user tees. Ho cal vols: Ayes Sra. Mctoneanwd.

Chairperson Nichols suggested spaoa meetng be soheourad ma future, lo uoeaie me ourrert Rules and Reguiaiona on die water man ertenson pceciea. Moton by Ncnoa. eaeonded Porter to accept and piece on hie Audi Report lor the tiaaal year ending June 30. 1969. Bond oovwage was re rawed and the consensus ma Board was Si 00 000 00 Coverage wassutoant Mohb earned.

Mayor Vondracee trior mad the Board tha bank hae piaced St 39 interest two out account due to Let Us Hear From YouIII CALL US TOLL FREE WESTSIDE, 1,100 sq. ft. house JACK PAGE Reel Estet 233-345 Al aporoiimaieiy 721 PU. Mayor Building Lots 3300 II W. 4TH C.F.

Reduced. I bedroom 2 story. Dick Roban 4 KAPLAN DR. 70x1 20" lot. All utilities.

Curb. 232-4700 Realtors 277.7254 vonoracek cosed the regular meeting and open Public Hearing on assessment of unpaid delinquent garbage pickup fees. Proof ot pub-tcaiion was received and on Ine. Them were no wntien comments reaeved. Georoe Atkins oues- Income Property 3400 From Anywhere He oonbnuad Mr.

EXCLUSIVE ESTATE HOMES tot 4th Ave. C.F. Under irsVOO. 405 wallgate. 1 beoYeonvJtrge kitchen, garage, ancioeellbrcti known Realty OO-im ttfOOW been hens monoay and toned why the City had 10 hod a rupee neannd 10 collect bale owed lha City.

City Attorney Luce INVESTORS Attention: Older duplex on 2V4 acres near Hope Mertln Park. Term. Income will pay payments. Broker owner. 234-443, 233-117 eves.

responded. I here were no tunher SPRING INTO ACTION! comments heard. Moved by Mar- tuesoay morrvngs to treat on hardware ot the IBM. Oacusson on meetings bang oon-dutMd anw 400 Chauperson hricho suogeated continuing with regmar meetings mommgs wen speoal anoor aooaionaJ meetings herd alter 4:00 m. but will oon- vets, seconded by lottus, 10 cose West 2 bedroom, country (tctam.

finished besem*nt, eferllent cond. Bonus of AHS. SJfLl 703) Four Seasons, Realtors 19-7042 ruouc neanno and reopen reamer MUST DUPLEX Great Investment, t2t.00orror ll-014-404 Dlk council meeting. Roil call vote: nyos ok. Moron canajo.

Hucec Hearing closed at appronmalety 12 PM. Mr. Poner eiqurrad as lo repair status ol the motet pit on Lafayette with Waterloo connection. Mr. Johnson stated matenala have no) Liwn-Trw Sarv.

2350 MOWING SERVICE Com'lresl-dentiat Free est. au-saaa MOWING SERVICE DISCOUNT TO SENIORS. 177 -J lie 4 LAWN Service. Com'lrres. Mowing.

Spring leaf cleanup yrs. exp. Insured ZJ4373 MILT'S Mow end Snow. Mowing, generel maintenance. Ps-0004 Free Landscape Ideas Do Trims Plantings Tim 177-141 THINKING of lawn care for the ltoo teetont SCOTLANO YARO can help you to meat the correct decltMn for healthier, greener, thicker turf this season.

Pieese cell for a free complete lewn enelysls. DEAN'S Lawn, Snow end Janitorial. Mowing, clean-op. aerating, power reklng. seed, roll, gerdenlng, trimming hedges, heuimg, odd work.

BM4Q4 ROTOTILLING-J O. rear Una. MOWING. 111-1014 days, ZP-nes after weekends, Scott ROTO-TILUNG, 234-8542 Commercial-lndustriil-Retill Property-Offices RentSaleLease 3500 NEW LISTING Energy efficient ranch style 2 bedroom solar home, double garage, paved drive, oak woodwork s30s MARY SHEPEK 233-774 Preferred, Realtors 232-8742 In Iowa FOR ALL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BUSINESS Just Dial 1-800- Melon by Ncnoe. seconded Porter to deny request lor Post Prom donaran, Mr.

Johnson prill Sul intorrneton FOR RENT Moved bLoftuj. seconded by to pass Resolution 3207. assessing unpaid delinquent oabage pekup fees. Ron call vote: Ayes So.

Moton earned. Al approiimately 7:26 PM. Mayor Vonoracek closed the regular meeting and opened Public Hearmg on assessment ot unpaid weed mowing oosts. Proof of pubacaton was recerred and on lie. There were no written comments received.

Foyd Reda Rioer asked it landowners were notifed before the City moved the property City Clerk eiplamed from the Department of Natural RUSSELL LAMSON BUILDING Meuenlne and street level specs evellable with private office and restrooms. Must see to appreciate. 234-55M or 232-1421 Resources concerning testing reouraments and notation reouire-menis. The Board noured aa to 203 Moir 14 ranch. Permanent siding, newer elr and furnace.

New gutter. 1,00 sq. ft. Nlee here-wood thereto wi tne City cierkAudmf betore the dale set tor sat hearmg. or appear and make ebection thereto w4h the Crry Cerk Auditor before the date eat for sao neanng.

or appear and make obiection the'eto at the meeting above set fonn. RECEIVING OF BOS Seared proposals ww be received bv the Cry CarvAuoaor the Cny of Waterloo, towa. al he ottoa 1 the Cny Han ot the saa) Cry on unhl the day ot Apnt. 1 990. untl 400 PM.

tor the Coaecton of Residential Sotct Wastes, as oesenbed in detail in the pians and spactca-tons now on lea the once of me Cty Cierx Audtor. OiENiNG OF BiDS Ail proposals received will be opened at open Council meetng 10 be hwd ft the Counc Chanpers ri the Cty Hall the Cty of Watenoo, Iowa, on the 23rd day ot April, 1990. al 7O0 PM. and the proposals wi! be acted upon al thai hme and piece or at such tater tvna and pce as may then be teed. SCOPE OF WORK The work ervohred shall oonset of the coliecton of garbage, refuse, and yard waste from the residences withai the Cay of Watenoo accordance with existing City Ordinance and Pwcy.

CONTRACT PERIOD The work under the proposed tract hal bgm with th regular cotfclon keaduied tor Tuesday, Seoiamtwr 4. 1990. Tha contract penod shah fa lor aporojimataly 5 year, ending on Friday, June 30. 1995, subfect to the ptovttons set forth in the cortrad docurnenia. SPEClf CAT lONS Specifications govern mg the proposed setvees have been prepared by the Public Division, ftatertoo, Iowa, which specifications and atso the pay proceedings of the City Courvcd refernng to and defriing sajd procoeo sennces are hereby made a part of tha notce.

and the proposed contract by reference shall be executed cornptt-ance therewith. Specifications are obtainable by a Qualified bidder from the Public Works Director upon a deposit of $25, all of which wl be refunded such Scecricatron-s are returned good order to the Public Works Director's Office within two (2) weeks after the dale of receiving bids. The successful bidder win be furnished copte of the Speofcatona WThOUt COSt. CONTRACT AWARD these regusvons bemg rnpierneni- noon. Lots of eo ano aonere w.

The Board approved Mr. Johnson to attend IAMJ Salary Maatina alona wKh Bit Metcal and Roban Porter. OLD MAIN MALL 315 Main St, Cedar Falls Premium retail or office space. 1,100 sq. ft.

Will divide to suit. 234-4400 Moton by Poner, seoondad Nichols to approve Mr. Johnson to attend senwai on April 4 th. Motion ear how and why weed complaints and weed mowing was handled. Tnens were no further rxrnrnonts.

Moved by Atkins, seconded by Lottus, 10 close Pubic Hearing and reopen regular Council meeting. Roll call vote: Ayes Su. Motion carried. Public Hearing closed at appnni- ned. at (25,000.

JOEL BRASCH Rt-7ee0 1230 Sheerer 1 bedroom ranch. Over ft. living space. Irapiace. 1 baths.

Elally finished besem*nt. coulred property. Contract to ojueltf led buyer- Under 000. Wont tail long. Must see this home today.

LEFTY DUNSMOOR 234-4111 2400 Hauling Moton by Nichols, seconded Porter KIMBALL AVE. OFFICES 100 sq. 400 sq. Utll. Incl.

Quick possess. to approve Judy Denhsid lo attend Mentor Users Meet no and aemrtar on Aori 26 th Oes Manes. Moton earned. Moton by Nchoaj, rraconded Porter toadoum. Granger, Realtors 21-001 AREA'S lergest office complex smen-s i ao inciuoes niyv reas.

Attach, parking. 233-510 Jurty R. Nchoa. CKarrperson Judy Oenheid. Seaetary SHOWN BY TJ appointment rri Ua't you Inula FOR SALE OR LEASE 10,000 sq.

ft. sq. ft. office. W.

4th, 5 corners location CROSSROAOS AREA RESOLUTION 320S BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY Appliance Repair 2000 SAVE 110 an in Home TV or Appliance Service. Trip Cher pa new tt fS must be paid on completion pernLabor SERVICE GUARANTEED Bob's AppU TV Center University. Wloo Hl-Hll Build-Remodel 2100 PLASTERING, drywelllng Free est No ob too small! Pe-iraU BAsem*nT WALLS, cement ptottorod Oe-sai RICHARD WILSON ROOFING Raet. I) vrt Free est ns-teM New Homes. Aodliionv Gereoes WE OO IT ALL Mica Snatier Censtr WI-eTM SIOINGWindow Repiecements By Mick snariar Consrr.

jsi-tra DRVVVALL-Remodel-Addttlons New Construction. rOe-Jltl KSK CONSTRUCTION New homes. Remodeling, Addf tlons. Gereaes. m-Xti EXTERIOR tuofl.

maintenance. Masonry and concrete repair, shingling, waterproofing Restoration Services ta-S7 with the men who does me tn-HM ORVWALL. spray ceilings, build. remodel, paint. ZQ-um MARTIN Home Maintenance.

Roofing, siding. Insulation. Free estimates. QUI a WATERPROOF Basem*nts. Blk.

bondingcement work. Z3S-l0l PRIES Roofing. 14 yrs. exp. Rssl-dentlel, commerciel.

Insured, guaranteed. Itiani, K315S4 BEFORE you buy, give Keller try. alley 4 Son Home Improv. 14 yrs. ep.

Free est. Pa-S7W OUALITV ROOFING end Installation. For residential root-Ing cell Denny Steeeell OS-1S17 REMODELING new homes, odd I-tlons. garages, roroof. CONCRETE driveways, slde-weisi.

Basem*nts, patios. II yrs. experience. Me-SZtt NEW homes, remodeling, com 'I. work, driveways, sideweiks.

masonry. FDR Const, jea-fon CARPENTER WORK, ceilings, decks, pottos, paneling. Free estimates. 05-0417 CONCRETE work,'l Kite Construction LTD. S77 O0I CEDAR FALLS ROOFS, 2M-7V9! Residential.

Free ettlmetes AAA HOME IMPROVEMENT Concrete, texturing, drywall, re modeling. aia-tro-lOW, Gary Carpet and Vinyl Installation 2140 CARPET AND VINYL Experience. Reas. 73HTH Lorry Ceramic Tile 2160 CERAMIC TILE-WeVe small, but we're quality. Exp.

Que Illy CALL BOB KLEIN JV4-W13 44 YEARS Experience. Tile and Marble Guer 177-377 BRASCH OF EVANSDALE. IOWA. THAT Super location. sq.


AND THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS ARE REALTORS'1 234-7766 4,000 sq. ft. retalltenr.offlce lo loa w. sth. Waterloo CORRECT, ALLOWABLE TRANS cation set up for mo ftt-tenant 415-17 EAST 4TH ST.

(2) 1,100 sq. ft. com'l fronts. (4) 1 bedroom opts. Ideal for owner occupant.

A money maker. CHUCK GRANGER 232-3551 CoMwell Banker, Granger "Expect The Best" 21 -a00 FERS. Salaries (Mel) 16.391.56 FCA 1.139 99 IPERSS83 94 Homage 3415.98 IPS 4.701.44 ack Hawk Waste 7.354 68 Pubic Emp.C.U. 1.236 00 Floyd Wayneka 487.03 U.S. West 730.43 AT 68.74 54.71 Ace Auto Supply 24.06 77.50 FOUNTAIN Plata.

Office apace, 1 sq. tr. urivo up palming. 234-0777 mateiy km. Moved by Warneka.

seconded by Marvets. lo pass Resolution 3208 assessing unpaid weed mowing oosts. Roll eal vote: Ayes Si. Moton caned. Moved by Warneka.

seconded by Lottus. to approve Poace Dept. personnel status dhange. Chief Lamb requested to promote, effective 4-1-90. George WngW to permanent ful time patrolman as a replacement for Jeff Duggan who resigned in January.

Rol cal vote: Ayes Sb. Motion canted. Mayor Vondracek announced open-ngs for Planning 6 Zonog, Municipal Housing, and Courlcl on Aging. The name ol Katny Helmrcn. 539.

Rhrer Forest, had been submmed to the Mayor for appointment to the Munieoal Housing Board. Moved by Lortus. seoonoed by Warneka. to approve appointment of Heimncn to the Evansoaie Muncoal Housing Authority Board. Roll call vote: Ayes Sa.

Moton camed. Mayor requested names be submtieo for the other board openrgs. Council discussed City acton on the Muehl property next lo Casey s. Mrs. Pal Muenl slated the prevous administration advised the City could run water and sewar lo the property kne.

Mrs. Muehl has contacted Mayor Vondracek several times to obtain a commitment on the City's pari on the utilities but has not received any firm cornmtt-ment. Counolmember Aibal staled this could be financed through the Northwest Tai Increment Fund. Moved by Loftus. seconded by Aso4l.

to rater the matter to the City Engoeer to do a cost estanafa for engineering lees. Commenta ware heard trom Lorraine Atkins. Floyd Red" Roar. Virgil Marvets, Ranee Johnson, and Jeanne Lant2. Roll call vote: Ayes Su.

Moton earned. Moved by Warneka. seconded by Marvels, lo authorize Fire Chief to attend the Mid-Wmier meeting in Corakrille March 23rd at a coal not lo enceed 850. Roll call vote: Ayes -Sa. Moton earned.

Moved by Atkins, seconded by Ajb.ll. to sand letter to INACCG requesting exolanalon on the need KIMBALLRIDGEWAY. 4 room suite. 400 sq. ft.

000 me. utll. furnished. 232-1354, 235-75 The City watt receive and consider bds on the basfs of awatiing one (1) contract to tne lowest responsive responsible bidoer for the entre contract The Cty reserves the right to rered any or al bos, readvertise tor new bids, and to waive mformaJities the bids submmed that may be in the best interest of the Crty. Bids may be hekj by the City of Walertoo, towa.

for a percd not to eiceed sidy (GO) days from the day of th opening of bds for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating th qualifications of bidders, prior to awarding of the contract. By virtue of statutory authority, a FOR IALILRASI COMMERCIAL building for sale. Acme Reproducton 40.78 Alan Hoap. 25.00 Abme Books 16.70 Bauer Taylor 831 BHC Data Processra 6 20 BH Humane Society 106 00 CLARK PETERSEN 215-2171 15 NANCY RD. Beautiful 1 bedroom ranch, master bedroom, Vt baths, fireplace, excellent location.

143,900 1147 BOURLAND. Mint condition, lvtj Itory, dak kitchen, master bedroom, newer corps ts, permanent siding, 1,520 sq. ft. finished. 134,900 Harbaugh Winninger, Realtors 3110 Kimball 2344402 z23 col leg 5t c.r.

1 business lvtt plus rent from 2nd floor apartment. 515-304-3301 uM hove I III Ol Bnce. PetrDee-Donohue 164 17 342.12 stared around your 424.12 CHECK IT OUT wr it To naw Cassys 3703 20 00 20.00 CRUSHED ROCK for drives. Sonddocoratlve rock. Ws-1141 CRUSHED rock, din, send, dec-dretlon rock.

H. Wlest ZB-0S4 A-l HAULING. Garbage' BrushMisc. fOS-eeaa CHOICE block dirt, fill dirt, driveway rock. sand, let-1743 HAULING-fresh, brush, etc.

yrs. exp. Bob Krostloy 144-Wes ROCK and chips for drives Sand, block and fill dirt. 233-001 WE clean garages, basem*nts and haul. Rees.

PM52Q PICKUP loads and larger drive wey rock, sand, black dirt, river rock. M-oao; HAULING Spring Clean-up. Senior discount. 133-4424 sj HAULING, OOO JOBS, DIRT ROCK, REAL CHEAP. 234-24v HAULING brush and burnables.

Very reasonable. 233-004 Janitor-Cleaning 2450 SPRING Cleaning? Nancy's Cleaning Service. per lanced, fee tone bit. reliable. 233-W43 DUST Bunnies In your houof-tlce? Easter Specials.

Bond-edtns. Krystal Kiaen2et-1430 Papering-Painting 2600 KRUSE PAPERINGPAINTING With a woman's touch. t-i07 a WALLPAPERINGPAINT VERY REASONABLE 234-7432 INT.EXT. painting, ratlnith hardwood floors. Free est.

Quality work. 133-4)22 Randy BLACKLEDGE PAINTING Interior, Exterior. 233-153 WALLPAPERINGPAINTING Over 7 yrs. exp. Free est.

234-t20 WALLPAPERING, PAINTING Exp. Free est. 277-244 jettej ROSE PAINTING PAPERING Quality guaranteed. Free est. 12 years experience 21-440 PAPERING, pointing, staining, also carry wallpaper.

9O-2O40 QUALITY painting. Interior, ex-terior. Free estimates. Satisfaction guer. 232-707 Plumbing-Heating 2650 ECONOMY Keating, Air Cond.

14 nr. tree est. Men Howell 733-117 business 32-3234 home Gene BOND Plumbing 4 Heeling Queltty work at competitive prices Free estlmetes 240-rtM Sharpening Serv. 2760 BLADE Sharpening: circular, carfrJtt. mower, hand saws Andrews Aute Suopy PM4S Miscellaneous 2950 PAUL'S Gutter Service.

Repair, replace, clean, screen. 232-152 rto you (4 a succs. in obvious piac to Rd- High visibilfty corner of University 1.000 SQ. ft. rench.

2-3 bedroom, dining, deck, air, 1 baths. Evelyn Ogden, Realtor 14-0004 Cedar Vaiey United Way 350 00 Cornel CenuUar 13 28 Couacton Services 70 00 Crysw Chemcai 14 90 Cay Ot Evanaoao 78 60 4 00 vrtU in cierid. Deoo on (ft ffMn 14 help you preference wrfl be gven to products and provisions grown end coal produced within the State of towa and preference will be given to local domestc tabor in th pertormance of said servees. PROPOSALS SUBMITTED The badoer shal submrt bds on al items listed in the proposal and shall state the unit bid price words in the btank spaces provided beneath th item description. Pro and newly constructed Fletcher.

Presently used as Maid-Rite. No equipment remaining. Could be used for any commercial or office purpose. Evansoala Poke Ret. 140.52 Evansoaie Water Works 150.00 96 00 120 RANDOLPH.

1 bedroom 1 story, newer furnace, kitchen, 2 full baths. Contract terms. 527 EVERGREEN. Nice 2 bedroom, forme! dlntng, new kitchen and both floor, permanent siding. Under 170,000 JEAN MAGE 234771 JERRY LANG 233-401 KEITH STOKES 233-5531 STOKES, REALTOR 234-1724 117.18 posals not containing bids on ail crowd.

Courier CXJ Classified 291 -14 nems meo ii ine proposal snai be retected. Should there be any dis MIT7.IE REKWARD, BROKER 232-233 crepancy between the un Cnd pnee words and the listed numeral uni LOCKARD REALTY G.E. Carjtal Com 518175 Gayte't Sew Snocoa 17.60 Bemos Green 14.17 Hach38 90 HavAeya Sand 238 30 LB.M.422 00 I.LE.A. 11.00 Matt Parrott 245 45 Means Servoas 19 .26 24.05 Uor-a Howe 4.12 bid prced. the Cy of Wawoo sha consider the unit c5 priced worn as being the vat id unit bJ price, i Electrical 2250 rroDosas reguirtrg matnemaiicaJ :4 -i'lt for.

and carf eaten of. the chanoss in the INRCOG by-laws, and" to table Cound acton on the resolu-ton approving tha recommended changes si the INRCOG by-laws. Rol cal vote: Ayes Sa. Moton caned 235-2698 1680 LEGAL NOTICE 1 821 Item 17-Park Board reouesl for computations to determine unit pnees or totals shal be reeded. The bKtoer has tne coton to submii a computer generated spreadsheet in ieu of th port on of the Form of 1 bo or P-xoosaJ.

which inctuoes the Bd Item Number. Descrcor. LH. Estimated Quantity, brut B4 Prce. Total Bd Price and Total Bd.

Tne Motor One 62 85 wages and Capital improvement. Winninger t)i' i -rMi fV NagieSona 115.49 Northern Balance 92. 00 10 uxnpry with stale laws on use of Road Use Tai monws. tha Evans- "REALTORS dale Park Board reouestad 13 rK1 TOLL FREE l-O0-7-174l FOR COOKIE CLASSIFIED Pairlesa Caanwevs 11.49 PonyEovess 88 97 Promo 7.00 2 90 computer generated soreaotheet shall inciuoe aH of the information 294.39 LEGAL 950 Hred that porton of tt Form of Eta or Proposal as weii as bear the YOUNG BLOOD ELECTRIC (Duett font weicom Lawn-Tree Serv. 2350 NEED a free, hedge removed, trimmed.

Power raking, air-Ifymg, mowing Call now. Scheeter Lawn Service at-ltst 4 Tree Service. Trees, hedges trimremove. Free Leave message nnoOT NOBLE tree service and stump removal. 233-7774 Mowing, Power Raking.

Odd Jobs Free est. LEE'S Lawn Care ro-7acor za-em EXPERIENCED trimming of evergreens, shrubs. 777-aaal PAUL'S Lewn 4 Garden Cere. Rototllllng. Free est.

ZJMU BERNIE MOINE 21-440 1244 Black Hawk Rd 130,500 140 Hawthorne 1140 South Hill Dr S74 S00 J034 Teton 2411 west tth svi.too 10 N. Oak, Janesvlll 17. 500 1155 Hemmond 172.500 Suoeror Wetding 21.00 Swaney 22 72 Special Execution ffOKM (No Re- for Parks maintenance salaries to set up. open and operate tne parks unti July 1. 1990.

this wove be one fultme employee lor 10 weens at 40 hrs per week, and one part-time errpiovee for 5 weeks. Council consensus was to pay the salaries out of the Parks budget until the end of the focal year, then amend the budget by transferring morues out of the Capua! Prrxv-s naters 57.00 signature of the Prime Contractor SuOmitt'ng the bd. SECURITY REQUIRED All btos must be aooompand a seoarate envelope by a cened or cashaers check drawn on an towa Treasurer-State of owe 844 .87 Neeoa Car Wash 25.00 Mark Winninger, CRB 235-2173 30 Colby 104.500 Cay of Watarbe 33.75 Wateroo Courier 163 54 ROYAL OAKS II, CEDAR FALLS bank, or a bank chartered unoer r-e Wemes Uniforms 83.00 Fund mto the Parks salaries line 74.5 acres for residential develop laws of tne unfed States, centted General 20.32381 snare draft drawn on a C'eo uron Road Use 20.687.51 Cortrigrrt Realtors 235-6234 DUPLEX-I3M WEST 4TH Or rent. 1 end 1 bedroom. Could be 2 bath family home.

House of Reelty, tee. 21-4000 1209 MAIN. C.F. cwa or chanensd unoer th iaws lem 10 coned the deficit, ftem a 18-Stanlord request for release of mortgage. Ivan and Rocheile Stanford submitted a ment edlecent to Royal Oaks In Cedar Falls.

All or part for sal. MARTIN WATERLOO of th Umed Stes. or a bto bond. ion the form fumsnea bv the Ctvi Daot Service 2.355.11 TIF 5650 65 Sireel Fund 51250 Sewer Revenue 10.316.40 A-Lac-Mv 29 49 I acres toned M-l near Payless request asung to be released trom the rehab grant mortgage on their resoance clino thev have otitorrMm Ceshways. (12,000 per acre UNIVERSITY AVE.

WATERLOO payable to the City of Watenoo. towa the sum ot not less than 100. 000, which cenided check. certrfd share draft or bto bono be heid as security thai the booer will enter nto a Contract tor the oer- their house and would ase the mort gage forgiven so they could pur For loose. 4,200 sq ft Off space Group 2074.00 Damai 63.84 Liia23 70 Pceoa Retirement 2,127.37 All February 1990 transfers listed formanc of th work and w.1 fur- Bos.

Personal 1500 HAVE bill problems? See Femlly Mgmt. 307 W. Sen, 234-44 MENTS FINANCIAL i an-rosa rrom nnapie lenes. very nice, clean, good parking. KIMBALL AVE, WATERLOO 'iojta.

nsh th required bond, and case the successful boder shall faf or refuse to enter mto th Contract PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DOTH DAY OF MARCH 1990. For loose. 1100 sq, ft. Private chase larger home Evansdaia. Mayor Vondracek provided the Cou.icl with three optons: (1) hold them 10 the contract, (2) forgo all or pari ol tha rehab grant ot (7.516.00,(3) require them to present an accepted otter 10 buy another home Evansoaw with tne option that the Cty forgo all or pan ol ne grant.

Moved by Aikns. seconded by Glaze, to go wh opton 1510 Personal offices, will divide. Make offer. 233-3354 Charles J. tarjracek.


et in o'clock A-M at the Sheriffs Office, at ft Court House, ki me City of Walerioa tow, and County aforesaid, will scad at Public Auction, te tha htgnest bidder, tor cash, tha following described Real Estate, levied upon end taxen by virtue ol a Speciel execution Issued from ttn off lea of tha Clark at tha District Court, within and lor tha County of Black Hawk. Stata at Iowa, bi favor at Fadaral National Mortgage Association and egalnst tha Midraal estate herein described and aid mortgage foreclosed aa against tha defendants, to-wtt: all ot tha right, tma and Interest at tha taid Defendants, Herbart E. Heiverson; Hai an S. Hal varum; Norwosi Financial Iowa In and ta tha following described real e-tela, situated In Black Hawk County, low, to-wtt: Lot Block I "Kreb's Addition" bi tha City ot. Waterloo.

Iowa, or a much thereof at may be necessary ta satisfy eld writ ot execution end ell accruing costs. MICHAEL KUBIK Sheriff of Black Hawk County, Iowa Dated at the Sheriffs Office. Waterloo. Iowa, March ins. James V.

Sercona, Jr. Plaintiffs Attorney U0 Liberty Building Dot Maine, Iowa 5030 S1S-S44-0323 STOP LOOK I NO I 100 sq. I FREE CONFIDENTIAL TESTING AIDS and SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES Block Haw. Co. Heeitti 1800 Te Loan CITY HALL.

EVANSDALE. OWA. and turrwsh th reou-red bonds, be sec*nty may be retained by City as agreed upon liquidated damages, ft bd bond rs used, it must be signed by both the and the surety or surety agent. Snatur of surety's aoent must be socconeo by acitmpanyrg Power of Anomey. BOND The successful bidder wll be requred to fumtsh a bond wchm fif year lees.

104 Main cedar Falls. Avail. Immediately. 24-441 or 177-5171 New listing. Specie, kerne with 1 bedrooms on first Moor and I up.

Oak floors, ample storage, newer furnace and water heater, air, vinyl swing, fenced yard, garage. Low MOs. Shown by appointment. STEVE HANSON 2J4-1477 DAVE SMITH GRI 231-0423 Bil Ramsey, Realtors 235-6205 FOR SALE OR RENT. 717 Wllllston, 1 bedroom with apply, carport 234-1114 1 BEDROOM house.

Center St. Air, fenced. By owner fe-l572 FOR SALE BY OWNER bedroom ranch, central air, ttxio geraoe. large lot, CP. schools.

Upper S3Qs. 4035 Mkr wey Or W'loo. 234-344 BY OWNER: Vocation home on Coder River, smell 1 bedroom, lerge lot, tennis court, boat perking. $47,000. 244-73M C.F Currently duplex; Can be chanced beck te 1-4 bedroom, 171 too or otter.

114-404 Dike Ptnocrest, 1407 Inoepenoenc MAHUH 33. 1990. HcGULAR MEETiNG, CiTY COUNCIL ChARi.ES J. VONORACEK. MAVQR.

PRESOiNG Oldest pawnca-oker-Lowest rales LEVI BROS. Jewelers, E. 4th COMMERCIAL Mdg. with (50,000 Ave 1-4 im Moe -Fri. en remaining leesa of mo.

1000 sq. ft 4,000 sq. ft. vacant, downtown E. (125.000.

Horry I Vel Martin, GRI, CREA 234-470 MARILYN COX e7-2ll! teen (15) days aher tne forma are presented to him in an amount eoua. to 7 SC. 000. sa4 bond to be The City Council ol the City of Evansoaie. Iowa met in Regular Sesson.

accorrang lo law. the rue ol said Council and prior notice gnren each menoer thereof, the Council Chambers the City Hal of Evansdaia. rows at 7-00 P.M. on IN loving memory of DONALD KAUNE ha bid no one a lest farewell, he seid goodbye to none, his loving heart net ceesed to beat before wa knew It he wet gone He did not tall to do hit best, hit heert was true end tender, he worked herd for all those he left, and ever will be remembered. Some says time heels all aching hearts, but no that Isn't true, for I years have past, deer, and our heerts still echo for you.

WIFE, CHARLOTTE DONNA KERNS ANO FAMILY DICK KAUNE AND FAMILY STEVE ANO TUDY KAUNE 235-6553 Martin, Inc. REAL ESTATE issued by a responsible surety iwii wn Wim. nVl rve. Nay-AavL Moton earned. During discussion.

Dan Burkett Questoned the increase given to iack Hawk Waste on the gamace oofcecson and stated he le the ty shouldn't come lo the citizens in several months with an ocrease in garbage rales lo cover this. Mayor vondracek stated the City wil do everythaig w4ho its oower to avow" an increase si rates for the citizens. Ron Hutschenreuter questoned 4 the Levee Maintenance budget could be used to repair the roaoway at Grand and 6ih Mayor Von-dracek stated he would co*k mo the oondfon of the road. There bemg no tunher drscusson from the sow or tab. Chair enter- the above dale.

Members present: A REAL PROFESSIONAL BLDG. Atiuns, AzbiH. Lortus. Mar- vets. Wameka.

Quorum prasem. ToU Free l-OOO-TtO-174! FOR COURIER CLASSIFIED Moved by Lortus. seconded by Azbul. to approve the March 20, aooroved by th City Council and shal guarantee the falhfut performance of the contract and th terms and conditons therein contained and shall guarantee th prompt payment of at) materia and iabor and proied and save harmless the City from caams and damages of any kind caused by th operator of Ihe contractor. Said bond to be renewed annua-V.

1990 agenoa amended lo induce 1930 MAIN, CEDAR FALLS deal doctors, lawyers, In-urance-eny profeaalonal type office. Over 1,000 sq. ft. Hug periling lot. Like new brick bMg.

Immedlete possession. For sale or lees. Pieese contact R. Roberts. ABORTIONS even We care.

Only lv hrv a way Emma Goldman Clinic lowa City, 137-1111 PREGNANT? Weed Confidentiel Help? We offer free pregnency tests. Drop mcell 30-11 Mon-Weo-Frt-Sat, am Tues-Wod-Thurs, 123 Mala F. 177 XCT A to Hrs! eel ter for Information. Lest dote the lets Rath Packing Co. paid their employees Medicare monthly charge.

l-e4-44J Collect MAY the most Secred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved end preiarved throughout the world, new end forever. Sacred Heert of Jesus, prey for us. St. Jude. worner of mire-Oes.

prey for u. St. Juoe, hep of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer I times a dey for 4 deys then publish. Your prayers will be answered without tenure.

councs aaon on the Ivan Stanford reouesL Rol cal vote: Ayes So. Moton camed. Moved by Warneka. seconded by Ma-vets to acorove the March 6. Lost tit 1100 R.

ROBERTS 244-400 1990. minutes. Couneilmamber RE WARD tor the return of Important peperv Lost around Hop Martin Para area 233-eit; laned moton Ic adoum. Moved by Loftus. seconded by AzbH.

to adaeum. Hoi eat vote: Ayes Sa. Moion earned. Meeting adoumed at acoroimeiely PV. Cha-ies J.

Vonoracek. Mayor ATTEST: Carol Wtaon. Cty Cerk. BEHIND THE EAR HEARING AID REWARD SS-tXai J.R. ROBERTS REAL ESTATE 'A Found 1150 7504 University, C.F.

24-1701 Atiuns cited a corrector penanng to discussion on the tai levy chance. Atkme slated the reference to he contacting Grant Vendor, BX Auonor waa nevrect and snoua he oomaoad me State head ot the budget. City Clerk aovsed she would renew re tapes of that meetng and correct the mrt-utes if necessary. Roil can vote: Ayes Sot. Moton earned Moved by Warneka.

secoroerj by Marvets. to approve the following Bonds. Licenses and Permits: Ciass bouor and Sunday Sam Perms' for Lorry's: EsKtroan Bono: LOST your pet 7 Check with us Black Hawk HUMANE SOCIETY 1144 Airline Hwy 232-447 Real Estate Out 3600 1600 Jewelry WORKER RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT Attention caHed to th reouit-ment that at east e-ghty percent (SOX) of the total wcAar hours of the contract on this Contact shaif be peHormed by bona to Black Hawk County resoents. A bona fed Back Hawk County reseent shaft have hi pmoo resoenc witnm tn corporate kmits of Biack Hawk County before th oat of th bid orening tor this proied Th contractor shatl prepare payrolls on forms and in accordance with mstrucone furnisned by the Cfy. Pay o5 shal be suomitied weeiuy to tne Cffy.

The oofflractor snal certify on tn weeuy payo tnal tha feioency requirement beng met to oroiect. METwOD OF PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR Th Contractor wtl be pad monthly GRUNDY CENTER. Reduced 3 Income Tax Serv 1200 bedroom rench, gerage, finished besem*nt financing provided, 12300 Owner. Broker, 4C-CM-U74 NOTCE OF PuSiX HEAflifvG on Spedfoatons. Form of Contract, ne Estimate of Cost and the NOTICE TO -DOERS for the Taiunj of Bos tor the COLLECT ON OF SOLID WASTES the Cty ol Wateroo.

owe PUBLIC HEARING Notce is hereby given that the Counol of SM Cty mil conduct a pubic hearing on tha proposed specifications, form of contract, ana estimate of coat lor the acove tiled servos contract at 7:00 PM, on April 8. 1990. said hearmg 10 be heal ai thai rVtm! rww EVANSDALE WAER WORKS MARCH 14. 1990 930 A.M. Tha Board ol Trustees of the Evansaate Water Works mat regular season at Cty Hal.

Evansoaie. Iowa al 9:30 A.M. on March 14, 1990. ChairpersonJurty Nichols eated lha meeting to oroer. Rol call: Jurly Nichols and Robert Ponar.

Absent David Cousins. Gary Heinick. Ciaassen Engineering and Sonne Johnson were aso anenoance. Motion by Ponar, seconded by Nichols 10 apcove the February 14, 1990. regular Boaro Meeting Minutes as read.

Motion carred. Mouon by Porter, seoonoed Nero to approve the Treasurers Report lor tne oenod ending February 28. 1990. Mot on earraad. Treasurer had stated loss ot merest due 10 transfer not recorded unrj knowing Say.

No acton was taxen by the Board. Moten by hoicks, seconded Poner lo aoorove renewal of eertilicaie 643 and 1570. aa due. Moon carrwd. Kaon by Poner.

seconded fechole lo authorize payment ot as Bled: LPS. 1.479 92, Cty 495 86; 4 I TAX Service Gerry Ha rev lieen Voikiemer 120 LaPorte. Villa Shopping Ctr. 132-470 EQUAL HOUSaaG opportuhit PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All reel estate advertised herein is sub-led to tne Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes It liieoel to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based en race, color, renown, sax, handicap, fa mil lei stems or national origin, or Intention to moke any such prleieijs. limitations or discrimination.

Stata laws may forbid discrimination In the sal, rental or edverttslng of reel estate based on factors addition to those protected under federel lew This newspeper will not knowingly accept any edverttslng for reel estate which Is violation of the lew. All parsons ere hereby Informed met ell dwellings edverttsed In this newspaper are available on an eouel opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free et I0-414-W MIKECUVELIER 235-427 VERY SHARP South Waterloo ranr features 1 Bedrooms and 1 Oaths, attached par-oe. fenced yard, deck end finished besem*nt. Excellent opportunity at only V41.SO0 FIRST ScXURlTir REAL ESTATE 1 Better Diamonds Below Whoiesele Wloo Jewelry and Leery at I WIDE SELECTION OF RINGS Check our prices I Duee's Pawn, 2243 Independence B2-M71 0" LAPIDARY Sew complete flOB.

Large assortment of Lake Superior egotes II lb, fossils. Indian artifacts. 11-tlOO. 474-2171 La Porte City otter 4 CLASSIC COUNTRY 2 STORY KAREN'S TAX SERVICE Short form (20; Long form US-lncl. both.

IS yrs. sip 232-1044 In Denver with 4 bedrooms. 1 full Naee Housemovenj Certificate: Ayiswonh Piumbmg Comractor Bond: Ray Wascnul Ptj. Hudson Howe Pbg Hig. Co.

Don Charnbenri Pkirxwnj Marv lenance Bond: Don Chambanin Pba Rol cal vole: Ayea Five. boms, aek kitchen, privacy fenced yard. I double garege EVANSDALE TAX SERVICE Oaoeneebie Open Yeer Round HI Lafeyette vensdeie 11-4170 end I storage sheds, amoo. MIKE SHEEHAN, REALTORS City Hal fi sac Cty. Tha said pro- i Published pursuant to the provi DENVER Lortus abstained.

Mobon earned. posed toecrficatons. form of con- Voved by Lottus. seconded by tract and estimate of cost for the Warnexa lo acavove ine loowiryj proposed specifications, form of ModelingPassage Adult BookFilm 1690 EXOTIC FRENCH MODELING 410 Mobile SI. 23e-ll sons Dwsan Vi of enactor 364 of tne Cay Councs of sac Watenoo, Iowa, on the 3rd day of Apr.

1990. CITY Of WATERLOO. OA Sv: Larry Burper Cty CxsixAuO'lor 233-5293 Bus. Personal 1500 YOU heating plant runs cleaner, bums lew fuel If Captain Clean oeens It. F.

J. Harris 131-2240 Acreages Sill 3540 See Aor-vftural columns 000-550 for Farm Lead for Sal And Farm Acreage Rental monthly reports: City Inspector. I oortrad and esnmate ot cost fcr the Fire Water Worxa Trustees. proposed services heretotore pre-Cie's, Treasurer. Police Dept.

and I pared by tne Pjrjac Worxs Deector.

The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.