The Hondo Anvil Herald (2024)

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Page 2, The Hondo Anvil Herald, Thursday, July 12, 2001
vbs planned at
First Mexican Baptist
A group of young folks from
Liberty Hills First Baptist Church
will be in Hondo July 16-19 to
help sponsor Vacation Bible
School at First Mexican Baptist
Church, 1700 14th St., and a sports
camp at Sunset Park on 18th St.
Watch for details.
St. John's VBS is next week
St. John's VBS program, "Son
Creek Junction," will begin July 16
and ends with a closing program at
10:30 a.m. July 20. Classes run 8:30
to 11:30 a.m. For information, call
741 -2513. Registration forms can be
picked up at St. John's Monday thru
Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Basic computer classes set
Basic computer classes are
scheduled for July 24, 26, 31 and
Aug. 2 at the Hondo Public
Library. Classes run from 6 to 9
p.m. Cost for the 12-hour session
is $81.45 and must be paid at the
time of enrollment. Classes are
limited to 10 students. Upon
completion, students will earn 12
CE hours. The course is designed
for the person who wants to learn
the basics in operating a computer.
Registration forms are available at
the library or call 426-5333 for
more information.
3ack to School Immunization
Clinic planned by health unit
The Medina County Health Unit
will hold a Back to School
Immunization Clinic Saturday,
July 28, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the
health unit, 3103 Ave. G, in
The doc's in on Saturday
The Medical Clinic of Hondo
#3, 1004 20th St., is open each
Saturday, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. to see
patients. See ad for details.
Books for sale
The Friends of the Hondo Public
Library have books for sale at the
library every Wednesday and
Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Proceeds are dedicated to the
library for materials.
Regular Meetings
not being able to fight harder for his
job. “In my heart of hearts, I don’t
think I did anything to be fired. Ev-
eryone had a personal reason to fire
me. but not one council member had
the gumption to say so in public dur-
ing my evaluation. If council really
had a problem with my performance,
they would have talked to me. No
one spoke with me.
“I’m sorry I did not say let’s weigh
this out. I brought in James Avery
and Central Aviation. All my initia-
tives were beneficial and there was
nothing that went wrong during my
tenure. But some council members
were ticked off that I introduced
things that they did not like. For in-
Koinonia Emmaus
Koinonia Emmaus Gathering
will be on Friday, July 13, at
Hondo First United Methodist
Church. Music begins at 7:30 p.m.
followed by worship at 8 p.m. and
fellowship. Come celebrate our
freedom to worship God!
Eastern Star meeting
Hondo Chapter #404 , Order of
the Eastern Star, will hold a regular
stated meeting, Monday, July 16,
7:30 p.m. in the Masonic Lodge
Hall on Ave. Q. Worthy Matron
Beverly Hudsonpiller urges all
members to attend and enjoy the
patriotic program and meeting.
New Fountain FIT group
Come have fun with the New
Fountain FIT (Friends in Touch)
Tuesday, July 17, 11:30 a.m., in the
Fellowship Hall of New Fountain
United Methodist Church. Bring a
covered dish for the meal. Stay for
games and visiting.
Project Graduation 2002
HHS Project Graduation 2002
meeting will be held Wednesday,
July 18,7 p.m. at Meyer cafeteria.
All interested seniors and their
parents are invited to attend this
very important meeting. Project
Graduation destination and
fundraiser will be discussed.
Al Anon group meets
A1 Anon, a support group for
family members of alcoholics,
meets each Monday, 7 p.m., at the
First United Methodist Church
Educational Building. For infor-
mation, call 741-2125.
stance, I suggested we put our money
into out-of-town institutions to earn
more money. If we had gone to
TexPool, we could have earned 2%
more on our investment money. With
$6^million, that is $120,000 more
income annually for Hondo. We are
losing money keeping it in town.
“1 also proposed council consider
letting the people vote on an eco-
nomic development sales tax. We
could have used the economic devel-
opment tax money, but council did
not even ask the people. Everyone is
afraid of change and that hurts the
city. That is the reason I might run
for council in the future. I’m disap-
pointed so many of my initiatives
were shot down, because nobody
wanted to change the way they had
done things in the past.”
Mayor Jim Barden downplayed
the significance of Chavez’s EEOC
City announces brush
pickup route schedule
A wet spring that encouraged lush
growth, followed by dry summer
months, has residents trimming over-
growth and dead limbs faster than city
crews can shred and remove the re-
sulting brush piles.
And when homeowners don’t
know the brush chippers’ schedule,
City Parks Department Head Sandy
Sandoval is frustrated to find that
oftentimes new brush piles appear
immediately after the crews have
completed an area of town.
Sandoval has devised a schedule,
based on the spring and fall city wide
garbage pickup schedule, which he
hopes will help reduce the piles and
the length of time they lay curbside.
He said brush pickup for each area
takes about one week, depending on
the volume.
The city suggests that trees not be
trimmed until the week before sched-
uled brush pickup in your area to
Citywide Brush Pickup
published every Thursday al
1601 Ave K Hondo, Medina Counly, Texai. by
Associated Texas Newspapers, Inc
Entered al ihe Post Office, Hondo. TX
Second Class Mail
In Medina Co - $20 per Year,
in Texas - $25 per year . Out of Texas - $35 per year
ISSN 249-280
William E Berger and Jeff Berger, Co-Publishers
Any erroneous reflection upon the character,
standing or reputation of any person, firm or corpo-
ration which may appear in the Anvil Herald will be
corrected upon being brought lo the attention of the
No charge is made for publications of notices of
church or other public gatherings where no admis-
sion is charged. When admission is charged or when
goods or wares of any kind are offered for sale, the
Anvil Heralds special advertising rates will apply
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The
Hondo Anvil Herald. P.O. Box 400, Hondo TX788ty
Telephone: (830)426-3346. E-mail: anvil t»hondo net
Area 2 II Areal
West of Ave. M 5 East of Ave. M
North of Hwy. 90 g North of Hwy. 90
Pickup during: "C Pickup during:
week of July 16 week of August 6
Area 3
West of Ave. M
South of Hwy. 90
Pickup during:
week of July 23
~ Hwy. 90
Area 4
East of Ave. M
South of Hwy. 90
Pickup during:
week of July 30
avoid unsightly brush piles on grass.
Refer to the diagram to determine
which week brush will be picked up
in your area. Areas are picked up in
counterclockwise order, beginning
with the northeast quadrant.
Residents may want to clip and
keep this schedule.
Hearing dates set for
two hot Castroville topics
Animal control, garbage fees on July 30 agenda
By William Hoover
Anvil Herald Correspondent_
Castroville City Council set the
times and dates for two critical pub-
lic hearings Monday night. Citizens
have been waiting over a month to
address council regarding the pro-
posed animal control ordinance.
Similarly, city officials have been
Waiting to ask citizens for feedback
regarding their intention to charge
higher user fees for garbage collec-
tion. Both parties will have their op-
portunities near the end of the month.
Council will hold both public hear-
ings on Monday, July 30, in City Hall
beginning at 7 p.m.
The first hearing will seek input
from citizens regarding the proposed
animal control ordinance. The city in-
tends to use the second hearing to ex-
plain the need to implement an in-
crease in residential and commercial
refuse administration fees and to ac-
cept public comment on the action.
Council has spent several months
researching and developing what
would be Castroville’s first compre-
hensive animal control ordinance.
The city is also scrambling to decide
if it wants to participate in Medina
County’s plans to set up countywide
animal control services.
Although Castroville has an animal
control officer, Billy Torres, the city
currently relies on volunteer pet shel-
ter providers like CAPS (Castroville
Area Pet Shelter) and HART (Hope
Area Rescue Team) to shelter the dogs
and cats.captured by Torres. Citizens
of Castroville have never had laws
defining how many animals they can
keep on their property. Accordingly,
council expects a large turnout of citi-
zens regarding the proposed compre-
hensive animal control ordinance.
Saturday Clinic Hours
t aim against the city. “There have
been no lawsuits filed or formal com-
plaints, but we did receive a com-
plaint from the EEOC this week say-
ing he intends to file a claim against
the city,” said the mayor. “It is a pre-
liminary notice of intent, but that is
all. He had a certain period of time
in which he could file a complaint
and this was his move.”
If the EEOC determines Chavez
has valid complaints, they will issue
him a letter giving him a right to sue
the city and possibly individual
council members. Barden is confi-
dent the city would prevail in any
lawsuit which might be filed by
Chavez regarding his termination.
“The city has never treated Mr.
Chavez unlawfully in any way,” said
Barden. “I’ve had questions regard-
ing this issue earlier and I’ve been
telling everyone the same thing.”
Dominguez teens
injured in accident
ask for prayers
Two teenagers injured in an auto-
mobile accident in San Antonio Mon-
day are undergoing treatment at Uni-
versity Hospital.
Laura Dominguez, 16, who was a
passenger in the back seat, was the
more seriously injured, suffering a
broken neck. She is scheduled to un-
dergo surgery Thursday morning.
According to her aunt, Rose
Dominguez, Laura is asking for the
prayers of the community as she un-
dergoes surgery this morning, saying
that, with prayers, she will walk again.
Her brother, Abel, 17, had double
fractures of his leg and other more mi-
nor injuries.
The teens were taking a friend
home on Hwy. 281 when the vehicle
struck an oil spill and the driver lost
control of the car, slamming into a
concrete wall. The vehicle had to be
cut open to extract the victims.
The friend, who was in the passen-
ger seat, suffered cuts and bruises.
Laura and Abel are the children of
Abel and Rosie Dominguez of San
Antonio and grandchildren of
Armando and Rosario Dominguez of
The city says it needs the increase
in the administrative fees for provid-
ing trash collection services so it can
ensure the users of the service are
charged based on how much refuse
they dispose of instead of passing the
cost on to all taxpayers.
“It’s very simple,” said City Ad-
ministrator Ronnie Rand. “Waste
Management Inc., picks up our trash.
But the city handles all the adminis-
trative duties, such as billing, collec-
tion, and the handling of complaints.”
Rand explained the economics of
the fee increase and how it would
more fairly assess the cost of ser-
vices. “We are the intermediary be-
tween the company and the citizens.
We only collect 500 from each cus-
tomer. The 500 does not even cover
a fraction of our administrative ex-
penses, so taxpayers instead of users
subsidize those costs. Therefore, we
are increasing fees to cover our ad-
ministrative cost so those people who
use the service actually pay for it.”
Rand said the decision to increase
the user fee for garbage collection was
made by last year’s council, but it had
accidentally been forgotten and was
never implemented. The city adminis-
trator also tried to dispel rumors of util-
ity rate increases. ‘The previous coun-
cil decided to increase the refuse ad-
ministration fee last year, but it was
never implemented. I brought it to
council’s attention that it had been
overlooked, so we are only processing
a previous decision,” said Rand. “It’s
important to note we are not imple-
menting any utility rate changes in the
new fiscal year 2001-02 budget. There
was a rumor about utility rate increases,
but we only talked about it in work-
shops. I told council we didn’t need to
increase utility rates to meet our bud-
get for the upcoming year.”
1004 20th fit. • No appointments needed 830-741-3353
• All walk-in pationta also acceptui.
July 14..................Matt Windrow. M. D.
July 21..................... Jo«6 Salinas, M. D.
July 28..............Richard Rowland, M. D.
Yardley *?
Soaps • Lotions
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We Buy Texas Real Estate
including farms, ranches, vacant land,
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Land Resources Corporation
established in 1969
105 South St. Mary's Street, Suite 1500
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Phone (210) 224-4455 Fax (210) 224-6430
Accident sends
girl to hospital
Twelve-year-old Brittney Lemus
was seriously burned over 80 percent
of her body after the vehicle she was
riding in hit a concrete wall and
caught fire. Another passenger, 11-
year-old Angela Burton, managed to
get out of the vehicle and was not in-
jured. Lemus was transported to
Wilford Hall by ambulance.
According to Hondo DPS, the 1993
Lexus, driven by 24-year-old Mark
Esparza of Hondo, went off the road
after Esparza either fell asleep or
passed out at the wheel. Esparza re-
portedly had been drinking and a
blood sample was taken.
Lemus had some facial injuries and
may have been unconscious and un-
able to flee the burning vehicle.
The accident is still under investi-
gation and no charges have been filed
at this time.
Shoes • Sportswear • Accessories • Lingerie
>301 Main • Bandera • 830-796-8302
Jail Jashions fire flout!
Special Savings on Selected Summer Jlcms.
not* 25 - 50% Oft
SAT Learning Center
Preschool, Inc.
428-3882 • 3106 Ave. D • Rondo
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Classes held Tuesday evening 5 pm - 8:30 pm
Reg. Classes Kinder - 12th grade (1 hr. sessions per week $35 per month)
All Star Squad (2 hour sessions per week, $55 per month)
For registration information contact Amber (830) 931-2987 (leave message)
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Located one mile east of Hondo on US 90 • 426-2220
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HH Tuesday - Pepper Steak
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Above specials served with choice of mashed or baked potato,
veggie, onion rings or french fries, and soup or salad bar
Twice Baked Potato & Soup or 6alad $4.95

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Hondo Anvil Herald (Hondo, Tex.), Vol. 115, No. 28, Ed. 1 Thursday, July 12, 2001,newspaper, July 12, 2001; Hondo, Texas. ( August 14, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Hondo Public Library.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.