Izuku’s fantasy journey to get home, get rich and get the girls - Chapter 4 - Wezko - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2025)

Chapter Text

When they neared the abandoned castle, Izuku knew there was going to be trouble.

“Let’s rob that place!” Ochako said with a grin, her eyes sparkling mischievously. And Mina, always the willing accomplice, nodded.

Izuku blinked in disbelief. “W-What?” he asked, his voice tinged with confusion. “What happened to you two?”

Mina giggled. “Don’t worry, Izuku. It'll be easy! We just need to grab a few things, and we can make it out without anyone noticing. Plus, I’ve heard there’s treasure inside!”

Izuku, skeptical, glanced toward the looming castle that stood in front of them. The structure was tall and gothic, draped in overgrown vines. Its towers sagged, looking like they might collapse at any moment. The dark, algae-covered moat surrounding the castle was still and silent, giving the place an air of dread. The entire atmosphere screamed danger. “Who even owns this castle?” Izuku asked, unsure if he wanted to know.

Mina started the story. “This castle used to belong to a noblewoman named Toru Hagakure,” she said, her voice dropping to an ominous tone. “She came into power when she was just fifteen, after her parents fell ill. But as you can guess, being a young girl in charge didn’t go well. Eventually, the townsfolk broke in, and...” Mina’s eyes glittered. “They tortured her. They cut off her hands and... chopped off her head.”

Izuku froze. “Wait... what?”

Ochako shrugged. “Yeah, it was all pretty brutal. Some people say they mounted her head on a wall in the town. Others say they ate it, but no one really knows for sure. What we do know is that Toru’s soul still haunts the castle.”

Izuku’s face turned pale. “So... you want to rob a haunted castle?”

“Yeah, why not? It’s perfect!” Ochako said enthusiastically. “And who knows? Maybe the ghost of Toru has some treasures lying around!” She fired a quick magic blast at the gates, blowing them open with a loud crash. “Let’s go!”

Izuku groaned, feeling an uncomfortable chill running down his spine. “I really don’t think this is a good idea…” But, as usual, the girls overruled him, and with a reluctant sigh, he followed them inside.

As they entered the castle, the air grew heavy with an unnatural coldness. The walls seemed to lean inwards, and a creaking sound echoed from somewhere deep within the halls. It was as though the very castle itself was alive, watching them.

“See? Spooky, right?” Mina said with a smirk, hopping and skipping around with her wings buzzing.

“We’re inside a haunted castle, of course it’s spooky.” Izuku muttered as the doors of the castle flew shut, causing Izuku to yelp and instinctively hold onto Mina.

Much to the pink girl’s smug amusement towards Ochako.

“Relax, Izuku. It’s probably just the wind.” The brunette sighed before returning her attention to a lot of golden chalices and candlestick. But as soon as she made her way towards it, the castle started spinning. Soon the floor was the roof and the roof was the floor.

“W-W-What’s happened?!” Izuku immediately cried out as he and Ochako had to keep running to not fall. Mina meanwhile was using her wings to flutter above the floor/roof.

That was, until a fiery creature, which somewhat looked like a goat, jumped out of a lit up painting and pulled the moth girl away with him.

“Mina!” Both Izuku and Ochako yelled as they tried to run after their taking companion. But because they first had to get out of the spinning room, it didn't take long for Izuku and Ochako to lose track of the fire goat. So they had no choice but to go deeper into the castle to look for her. But then, the eerie silence around them was broken only by the distant sound of something... moving. Finally, they came upon a grand hall with a massive pipe organ. The organ keys seemed to move on their own, playing an ominous, distorted tune.

“That’s... not creepy at all,” Ochako said sarcastically, but even she couldn’t hide the nervousness in her voice. “What’s next, it summons lightning?” Just as she finished speaking, the organ began to play louder, each note blending with the thunderous sound of a storm outside. Lightning flashed, and the tortured screams of a woman echoed through the chamber. “Forget I said anything! Forget I said anything!” Ochako squealed, her voice trembling as the ground shook beneath their feet.

Suddenly, a loud screeching voice bellowed throughout the room: “Who dares enter my castle?! Who dares steal from the Hagakure fortune?!

Izuku’s heart raced. “W-Who’s there?!” He stammered.

The ghostly voice hissed, “In eternal hell, like you will be!” And with that, Ochako vanished in a flash of lightning, her screams echoing through the air. Izuku stood frozen for a moment, before rushing forward, determined to find his friends.

“Bring them back right now!” Izuku demanded, his voice shaking with fear.

The voice mocked him. “Do you care for these women?

“Of course I care about them!” Izuku shouted, fists clenched in defiance.

Then you better go through this door.” The voice hissed, a spectral door appearing out of nowhere. Without thinking twice, Izuku ran through the door, finding himself in an even darker room than before. The atmosphere was oppressive, suffocating. At the center of the room, Mina and Ochako were bound to two guillotines, their faces pale with terror.

“Izuku, help us!” they cried out, struggling against their restraints, but they were trapped, their heads locked into the guillotine blocks.

Izuku’s blood ran cold. “Let them go! NOW!” He demanded, his voice filled with panic. As he did this, the room seemed to come alive as a swirling mist formed before them. The figure of a woman, glowing with an eerie, pale blue light, materialized in front of them. Her long, green hair flowed as though moved by an unseen wind, and her burning green eyes glared at him, being the only thing visible on her face. She wore a tattered dress, her form flickering like a ghost trapped between realms. “H-Hagakure?”

So you know it’s me, ” she said in a voice dripping with malice. “ Then you also know what’s going to happen.”

The guillotine blades snapped down.


Izuku’s world froze.

For a moment, there was only silence as Mina and Ochako’s decapitated heads tumbled to the floor, their bodies slumping lifelessly. Their eyes were wide with disbelief. Izuku couldn’t move. His mind raced with horror, unable to comprehend what had just happened. But Toru’s voice, cold and unrelenting, shattered the silence: “Such is the fate of those who dare disturb me. Welcome to my domain.”

Ten minutes later, outside the Hagakure Castle, Izuku, who was still in shock, stood alone in the cold mist that had risen from the castle. The echoes of the screams still reverberated in his mind. The fog rolled out from the castle in thick, ominous tendrils. He stumbled backward, eyes wide with terror as the image of Mina and Ochako’s heads haunted him. His heart was still racing, his chest tight.

“So, I assume he didn’t find it funny,” came a voice behind him.

Izuku spun around, his mind still foggy, only to see Ochako and Mina standing casually beside a now less-threatening Toru. But Toru, now lacking her head and hands, was wearing a purple medieval dress and standing there without a care in the world.

“What... what happened?” Izuku whispered, his voice shaking. “You... you were just,”

“Oh, you didn’t really think we were dead, did you?” Ochako grinned, winking at him. “It was all a joke! A fun Halloween scare!”

Mina joined in with a laugh, “Yeah! We figured we’d get you good this time.”

Toru, who was now floating beside them in an almost friendly manner, tilted her head despite not having one. “Well, that was a bit much, wasn’t it? I mean, it’s not everyday someone survives being beheaded,” she said with a ghostly giggle. “But don’t worry, I’m perfectly fine.”

Izuku looked from Mina to Ochako to Toru, his face pale. He could hardly believe what he was hearing. “So you mean to tell me that you’re all... fine?”

“Yep!” Ochako chirped. “I know it’s a little confusing, but don’t worry. We planned this whole thing!”

Toru grinned mischievously, “Yeah. It was quite a bit of fun, especially seeing how scared you were.”

Izuku stood there for a long moment, trying to process everything. Finally, he took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. Mina meanwhile raised an eyebrow. “You think we’re just gonna leave you hanging? No way! We’re all in this together now!”

Toru floated closer to Izuku. “How about it? Wanna join forces with an undead noblewoman? I’m pretty sure I could be useful to you.”

Izuku stared at her, his brain finally catching up. “I... I don’t know whether to be terrified or relieved…”

Toru winked, again despite not having a head. “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not the one you need to worry about anymore. And besides, I’m much more fun when I’m not beheading people.”

Izuku, exasperated but somehow relieved, shook his head. “I need a break from all of you.”

And just like that, the team had a new member in the form of an undead headless noblewoman.

Izuku’s fantasy journey to get home, get rich and get the girls - Chapter 4 - Wezko - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2025)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.